Find storage including mount points sql/powershell

  • Comments posted to this topic are about the item Find storage including mount points sql/powershell

  • It was really helpful, Gene. Thanks

  • Actually, if you just want to see the volumes/mount points that are currently in use by this sql instance, you don't need powershell.

    I use this query across all my sql instances using powershell to collect and centralise the data. Is very useful for capacity planning.

    ;WITH FileIds


    ( SELECT DISTINCT database_id, file_id

    FROM MASTER.SYS.master_files AS mf



    volume_mount_point ,


    (total_bytes / 1073741824) SizeGB ,

    (available_bytes / 1073741824) FreeSpaceGB,

    (available_bytes / 1073741824.0)/ (total_bytes / 1073741824.0)*100 PercentFree

    FROM FileIds f

    CROSS APPLY sys.dm_os_volume_stats (f.database_id, f.file_id)

  • The powershell script below will return information on drives and mountpoints regardless of whether they host database files.

    It has some minor deficiencies but works OK.

    Has a critical threshold [%], below which items are highlighted with a red background.

    Set the value of variable $server


    [int]$MountPointsOnly = $false,

    [int]$CriticalThreshold = 15


    $ErrorActionPreference = "Stop"


    $server = 'ThisServer'

    $serverExists = ping "$server" -ne 1

    if($serverExists -like "*Ping request could not find host*"){

    Write-host "***`n`tCould not connect to server: $server`n***" #-BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Red




    $v = gwmi -class "win32_volume" -namespace "root/cimv2" -ComputerName $server | Where-Object {$_.capacity -ne $null -and $_.DriveLetter -eq $null}


    $v = gwmi -class "win32_volume" -namespace "root/cimv2" -ComputerName $server | Where-Object {$_.capacity -ne $null}


    $OddLine = $true

    $PadChar = '.'

    if($v -eq $null){

    Write-Host "No Mountpoints present on server: $server" `


    Write-Host "Storage Space Report [in GB] - $server"

    Write-Host "Drive Label".padright(40," ") -BackgroundColor DarkBlue `

    "Free".padleft(5," ") `

    "Total".padleft(7," ") `

    "% Free ".padleft(12," ") `

    -ForegroundColor White

    foreach($d in $v | sort -Property caption){


    $PadChar = ' '

    $background = "Gray"

    $OddLine = $false

    } else {

    $PadChar = ' '

    $background = "White"

    $OddLine = $true


    if(($d.freespace /$d.Capacity*100) -lt $CriticalThreshold){

    write-host (($d.DriveLetter + "").padright(4," ") + " " + $d.label).padright(40,$PadChar) ("{0:#,##0}" -f ($d.freespace/ 1GB)).padleft(5," ") " " `

    ("{0:#,##0}" -f ($d.capacity/ 1GB)).padleft(5," ") " " `

    ('{0:P2}' -f ($d.freespace /$d.Capacity)).padleft(10," ") -BackgroundColor Red -ForegroundColor Black


    write-host (($d.DriveLetter + "").padright(4," ") + " " + $d.label).padright(40,$PadChar) ("{0:#,##0}" -f ($d.freespace/ 1GB)).padleft(5," ") " " `

    ("{0:#,##0}" -f ($d.capacity/ 1GB)).padleft(5," ") " " `

    ('{0:P2}' -f ($d.freespace /$d.Capacity)).padleft(10," ") -BackgroundColor $background -ForegroundColor Black





    Write-host "*** Could not connect to server: $server ***" -BackgroundColor White -ForegroundColor Red



  • Thanks for the script.

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