find record in 1 table not in another one without any primary key

  • hi

    i have 1 table like this

    table A

    Product_ID name desc

    123 abc new pencil

    234 def new pen

    345 efg new stage

    234 cde new black

    Table B

    Product_ID name desc

    123 abc new pencil

    234 def new pen

    567 efg new stage

    what i need to do is select all records from table A which is not in table B.

    if any of this column is not matching (Product_id,name,desc) this 3 r my primary key.

    how to do it with left join and null condition. do i need to give all 3 condition as OR ?

    if any of this 3 values r new it should ne new new record

    in this case this both should come as a result.

    345 efg new stage

    234 cde new black


  • coool_sweet (11/9/2016)


    i have 1 table like this

    table A

    Product_ID name desc

    123 abc new pencil

    234 def new pen

    345 efg new stage

    234 cde new black

    Table B

    Product_ID name desc

    123 abc new pencil

    234 def new pen

    567 efg new stage

    what i need to do is select all records from table A which is not in table B.

    if any of this column is not matching (Product_id,name,desc) this 3 r my primary key.

    how to do it with left join and null condition. do i need to give all 3 condition as OR ?

    if any of this 3 values r new it should ne new new record

    in this case this both should come as a result.

    345 efg new stage

    234 cde new black


    If all three columns are what makes up the criteria for a row to match then you would use AND not OR in your join predicates.


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  • maybe...

    SELECT *

    FROM Table_A


    SELECT *

    FROM Table_B

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

  • J Livingston SQL (11/9/2016)


    SELECT *

    FROM Table_A


    SELECT *

    FROM Table_B

    Further on J L's fine answer, use CTEs if the structures/data types do not match


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