find out which record_ids match on 2 fields and not match a third field.

  • I need to match up information from 2 different sources.

    one table has a record_ID used to track results.

    It is inner joined to second source, creating the data below.

    I can classify the data as matched, unmatched and multiple matches.

    Now I need to classify the multiple matches further.

    How do if find out which record_ids match on 2 fields and not match a third field. With any other row with same record_id and update status for that row.

    The first three rows meet the criteria where S_desc and M_desc match , but not Item

    The next three rows fails because all three row match on Item, S_desc and M_desc.

    Then update the status in a status table with one to one mapping

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#tempCheck](

    [tempcheck_id] [numeric](10,0) null,

    [RECORD_ID] [numeric](10, 0) NULL,

    [Item] varchar(15) NULL,

    [I_desc] varchar(24) null,

    [S_desc] varchar(50) null,

    [M_desc] varchar(10) null )

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ('1', '1','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '2','1','124','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '3','1','125','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '4','2','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '5','2','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '6','2','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '7','3','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '8','3','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '9','3','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '10','3','123','desc','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '11','4','123','desc2','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '12','4','123','desc2','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '13','4','123','desc3','blue','rg')

    insert into #tempcheck

    values ( '14','4','123','desc3','blue','rg')

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#tempflag](

    [tempcheck_id] [numeric](10,0) null,

    [RECORD_ID] [numeric](10, 0) NULL,

    [Status_Flag] varchar(15) NULL)

    insert into #tempflag

    (tempcheck_id, RECORD_ID, Status_Flag)

    select tempcheck_id, RECORD_ID, 'Not_Matched' as Status_Flag

    From #tempcheck

    select tempcheck_id, RECORD_ID, Status_Flag

    From #tempflag

    drop table #tempcheck

    drop table #tempflag

    Thanks for your assistance.


  • Try something like this:

    select distinct tempcheck_id, record_id

    from #tempcheck

    inner join

    (select tempcheck_id, min(record_id) as min_id

    from #tempcheck

    group by tempcheck_id) Sub

    on main.tempcheck_id = sub.tempcheck_id

    and main.record_id = sub.min_id


    select t1.tempcheck_id, t1.record_id

    from #tempcheck t1

    inner join #tempcheck t2

    on t1.record_id = t2.record_id

    and t1.tempcheck_id < t2.tempcheck_id

    and t1.item = t2.item

    and t1.i_desc = t2.i_desc

    and t1.s_desc = t2.s_desc

    and t1.m_desc = t2.m_desc

    inner join #tempcheck t3

    on t1.record_id = t3.record_id

    and t2.tempcheck_id < t3.tempcheck_id

    and t1.item = t3.item

    and t1.i_desc = t3.i_desc

    and t1.s_desc = t3.s_desc

    and t1.m_desc = t3.m_desc

    You may need to play around with the join criteria to get exactly what you want, but it should put you in the right direction.

    I noticed you have four of some record IDs. The above code will find if any three of them match, ignoring and unmatched fourth record. If you want to include unmatched fourth records, create a second query that extends the joins by one.

    Property of The Thread

    "Nobody knows the age of the human race, but everyone agrees it's old enough to know better." - Anon

  • Can you post what you want the final result to look like?

  • End result is a report show the type for each row.


    1 1 123 desc blue rg Type1

    2 1 124 desc blue rg Type1

    3 1 125 desc blue rg Type1

    4 2 123 desc blue rg Type2

    5 2 123 desc blue rg Type2

    6 2 123 desc blue rg Type2

    7 3 123 desc blue rg Type2

    8 3 123 desc blue rg Type2

    9 3 123 desc blue rg Type2

    10 3 123 desc blue rg Type2

    11 4 123 desc2 blue rg Type3

    12 4 123 desc2 blue rg Type3

    13 4 123 desc3 blue rg Type3

    14 4 123 desc3 blue rg Type3

    Where Type1 I_desc and M_desc match and Item is not, for same for record_Id.

    Where Type2 I_desc and M_Desc and Item all match for same record_ID.

    Where Type3 I_desc is not matched and M_Desc and Item are matched, for same record_id.

  • I won't say that this is the best way to do it, but I believe a simple self join on record_id with a case statement will work:





    When A.item = B.item and A.I_desc = B.I_desc and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 2'

    When A.I_desc = B.I_desc and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 1'

    When A.item = B.item and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 3'

    Else 'No Match'

    End as status_flag


    #tempcheck A join

    #tempcheck B On

    A.record_id = B.record_id And

    A.tempcheck_id > B.tempcheck_id

    Order by A.tempcheck_id

  • Do you care which of the three doesn't match? If not - you could use JUST the "matches" part below

    ;with JoinMath as (

    Select a.recordid, a.tempcheckid,

    case when A.I_desc = B.I_desc then 1 else 0 end +

    case when A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 1 else 0 end +

    case when A.item = B.item then 1 else 0 end as Matches,

    --create a pseudo bitbucket

    case when A.I_desc = B.I_desc then 1 else 0 end +

    case when A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 2 else 0 end +

    case when A.item = B.item then 1 else 0 end as MatchFilter

    From #tempcheck a

    inner join #tempcheck b on a.recordID=b.recordID and a.tempcheckID<>a.tempcheckid


    Select *,


    when MatchFilter & 1 = 0 then 'Type1'

    when MatchFilter & 2 = 0 then 'Type4'

    when MatchFilter & 4 = 0 then 'Type3'

    ELSE 'Type2'

    end as MatchType

    from JoinMath

    where Matches>1

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • Matt's solution is more efficient than mine. I thought about using a CTE, but have not used them enough to be comfortable. If you set statustics IO on my solution returns:

    Scan count 2, logical reads 15 physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

    And Matt's:

    Scan count 2, logical reads 2, physical reads 0, read-ahead reads 0, lob logical reads 0, lob physical reads 0, lob read-ahead reads 0.

  • I know this isn't the question that was asked, but...

    Is there a reason this couldn't be run from the two master tables, skipping the #Temp table?

    Edit: This question was really for the OP, not all the magnanimous responders that were helping him out. 😉

  • I just assumed the temp table represented the master table for example and testing purposes.

  • Agreed - no reason it couldn't be run against the master, but since OP gave us a temp table, that's what I used.

    Your lack of planning does not constitute an emergency on my part...unless you're my manager...or a director and above...or a really loud-spoken end-user..All right - what was my emergency again?

  • The Temp table is for example and does represent a table created from joining 2 other tables.

    When the 2 other tables are joined, I get multiple rows for some of the record_Ids.

    For Each one of the multiple rows, I need to assign a status.

    status is determined by how many field match across the multiple rows for same record_id.



  • Which columns in the temp table are in which master table?

    I am interested in the solution w/o using the temp table, if possible.

  • John,

    Here is simplification of the 2 tables.

    They are matched on one key item.

    #input1 - row 5 has only one match.

    #input1 - row 6 has no matches.


    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Input1](

    [RECORD_ID] [numeric](10, 0) not NULL,

    [keyItem] varchar(15) not null )

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '1', '113456')

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '2','113457')

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '3','113458')

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '4','113459')

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '5','113460')

    insert into #Input1

    values ( '6','113461')

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[#Input2](

    [input2_ID] [numeric](10, 0) not NULL,

    [Item] varchar(15) NULL,

    [I_desc] varchar(24) null,

    [S_desc] varchar(50) null,

    [M_desc] varchar(10) null,

    [KeyItem] varchar(15) not null )

    insert into #Input2

    values ('1', '123','desc','blue','rg','113456')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '2','123','desc','blue','rg','113457')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '3','123','desc','blue','rg','113458')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '4','123','desc2','blue','rg','113459')

    insert into #Input2

    values ('5', '123','desc','blue','rg','113456')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '6','123','desc','blue','rg','113456')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '7','123','desc','blue','rg','113457')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '8','123','desc','blue','rg','113457')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '7','123','desc','blue','rg','113458')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '8','123','desc','blue','rg',',113458')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '9','123','desc','blue2','rg','113459')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '10','123','desc','blue3','rg','113459')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '11','123','desc','blue3','rg','113459')

    insert into #Input2

    values ( '12','123','desc','blue3','rg','113460')

    Select Record_Id, #input2.keyItem, item, i_desc, S_desc, M_desc, ' ' as status

    from #input1 Join #input2

    on #input1.KeyItem = #input2.KeyItem

    order by record_Id

    drop table #input1

    drop table #input2

  • Based on the master table structure you posted, there is nothing of use in the "parent" table, Input1.

    In that case, the methods presented by the other posters can be applied directly to the "child" table, i.e. Input2. If you did need to use the parent table, for example to filter on some field that you haven't mentioned here, you could just add it into the joins of the other queries already presented.

  • Changed query to use #input2

    When I run the query below, I get 44 rows.

    but When I join the 2 tables I only get 14 rows.

    Expecting only have 14 rows in the query

    select A.*,


    When A.item = B.item and A.I_desc = B.I_desc and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 2'

    When A.I_desc = B.I_desc and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 1'

    When A.item = B.item and A.m_desc = B.m_desc then 'Type 3'

    Else 'No Match'End as status_flag

    From #input2 A join#input2 B

    OnA.keyitem = b.keyitem

    Order by A.keyitem

Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)

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