Find Members who have lost eligibility for more than 3 years or more.........

  • Find Members who have lost eligibility for more than 3 years or more and now returned in 2122.

    --I need to find the members who have lost eligibility for more than 3 or more years and now have returned in 2122.

    --Programyearvalue is having first 2 digits of last year and last 2 digits for next year.

    -- for example 1011 = left 2 digits = 10 that is year 2010 and last 2 digits = 11 that is year 2011

    -- for example 2021 = left 2 digits = 20 that is year 2020 and last 2 digits = 21 that is year 2021

    -- for example 2122 = left 2 digits = 21 that is year 2021 and last 2 digits = 22 that is year 2022

    DROP TABLE IF EXISTS #ProgramYear;

    CREATE TABLE #ProgramYear


    ID INT

    ,MemberID INT

    ,ProgramYearID INT

    ,programYearValue INT


    INSERT #ProgramYear








    (1,111,1, 1011)

    ,(2,111,2, 1112)

    ,(3,111,3, 1213)

    ,(4,111,4, 1314)

    ,(5,111,9, 1819)

    ,(6,111,10, 1920)

    ,(7,111,11, 2021)

    ,(8,111,12, 2122)

    ,(1,222,1, 1011)

    ,(5,222,6, 1516)

    ,(5,222,7, 1617)

    ,(5,222,8, 1718)

    ,(5,222,9, 1819)

    ,(6,222,10, 1920)

    ,(7,222,11, 2021)

    ,(8,222,12, 2122)

    ,(1,333,8, 1819)

    ,(2,333,9, 1920)

    ,(3,333,10, 2021)

    ,(4,333,12, 2122)

    ,(1,444,1, 1011)

    ,(2,444,2, 1112)

    ,(3,444,3, 1213)

    ,(4,444,4, 1314)

    ,(5,444,5, 1415)

    ,(5,444,6, 1516)

    ,(5,444,7, 1617)

    ,(5,444,8, 1718)

    ,(5,444,9, 1819)

    ,(6,444,10, 1920)

    ,(7,444,11, 2021)


    select * from #programyear

    My out put should be 111 and 222 Members as these members lost eligibity for 3 years and now they have program year value record.

  • To make the comparison between rows you could use the LAG function.  Then use integer division programYearValue/100 to extract the start year and take the modulo 100 of the lagged value to derive the prior end year

    with lag_cte as (
    select *, lag(programYearValue) over (partition by MemberID order by ProgramYearID) lag_pyv
    from #ProgramYear
    where programYearValue/2000<=1)
    select *, programYearValue/100 start_yr, lag_pyv%100 end_yr
    from lag_cte
    where programYearValue/100-lag_pyv%100>=3;

    Aus dem Paradies, das Cantor uns geschaffen, soll uns niemand vertreiben können

  • Assuming that all ProgramYearValues correspond to one year spans,  the gap between sequential year spans is 101, so a 3 year gap is a difference of 303. You can identify members with a current span and look for gaps >= 303. It doesn't work if your dates span a century, but I think it does from 0001-0102 to 9798-9899. Edit: I think 101 is the same as modulo 100 = 1, so the logic is pretty much the same as above.

    DECLARE @CurrentYearValue INT = 2122,
    @NumberOfYears INT = 3;

    WITH Eligibility AS
    SELECT *, ProgramYearValue - ISNULL(LAG(ProgramYearValue) OVER (PARTITION BY MemberID ORDER BY ProgramyearID),ProgramYearValue) AS Gap
    FROM #ProgramYear


    SELECT MemberID, ProgramyearValue
    FROM #ProgramYear AS a
    WHERE ProgramyearValue = @CurrentYearValue
    FROM Eligibility
    WHERE MemberID = a.MemberID
    AND Gap >= @NumberOfYears * 101);
  • If you just want the MemberID, then as below.  Of course you can adjust the query against the cte to pull more columns if you want them.  Either way, I don't think you need to futz with the program year value at all.

    ;WITH CteYearDifferences AS (
    SELECT *,
    ProgramYearID - LAG(ProgramYearID) OVER(PARTITION BY MemberID ORDER BY ProgramYearID) AS YearDifference
    FROM #ProgramYear
    FROM CteYearDifferences
    WHERE YearDifference >= 3
    ORDER BY MemberID

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • dhanekulakalyan wrote:

    --I need to find the members who have lost eligibility for more than 3 or more years and now have returned in 2122.

    Add this data so you have a member with a 3 year gap who is not eligible in 2122.

    INSERT #ProgramYear
    VALUES (1,999,5, 1415), (2,999,10, 1920) ,(3,999,11, 2021)

    Are the ProgramYearIDs supposed to be sequential? They appear to be with the exception of member 333 who has different ids for the same year and is missing 11. Is this a typo? Meaning that the ProgramYearValues are not needed as Scott suggested.

    DECLARE @CurrentYearValue INT = 2122,
    @NumberOfYears INT = 3;

    WITH Eligibility AS
    SELECT *, ProgramYearID - LAG(ProgramYearID) OVER (PARTITION BY MemberID ORDER BY ProgramyearID) AS Gap,
    MAX(ProgramYearValue) OVER (PARTITION BY MemberID) AS MaxYear
    FROM #ProgramYear


    FROM Eligibility AS a
    WHERE MaxYear = @CurrentYearValue
    AND Gap >= @NumberOfYears;
  • Great point; sorry, I accidentally left out that "current year" requirement.

    SQL DBA,SQL Server MVP(07, 08, 09) "It's a dog-eat-dog world, and I'm wearing Milk-Bone underwear." "Norm", on "Cheers". Also from "Cheers", from "Carla": "You need to know 3 things about Tortelli men: Tortelli men draw women like flies; Tortelli men treat women like flies; Tortelli men's brains are in their flies".

  • Thank you I will take a look and keep posted here if it solves my issue. Thank you!

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