Find max Rate Id between effective and Expiry date for current/running date

  • I have a sample table and its data as below: 

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[ProductBMRate](
        [ProductBMRateId] [int] IDENTITY(1,1) NOT NULL,
        [ProductId] [int] NOT NULL,
        [Rate] [decimal](9, 0) NOT NULL,
        [EffectiveDate] [date] NOT NULL,
        [ExpiryDate] [date] NULL,
        [ProductBMRateId] ASC
    ) ON [PRIMARY]

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (1, 45, '08/01/2018','09/04/2018')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (1, 50, '09/05/2018','09/10/2019')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (1, 52, '09/11/2018','09/25/2018')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (1, 52, '09/26/2018', NULL)

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (2, 50, '08/01/2018','09/13/2018')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (2, 55, '09/14/2018','09/22/2018')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (2, 60, '09/23/2018',NULL)

    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (3, 70, '09/06/2018','09/20/2018')
    INSERT INTO [dbo].[ProductBMRate] ([ProductId], [Rate], [EffectiveDate], [ExpiryDate])   VALUES (3, 72, '09/21/2018',NULL)

    I want to pull the ProductBMRateId which is between the given date incase of expiry is null then it should pick the rate which belongs to effective date.

    Declare @Today date = '2-Sep-2018'
    select @Today, max(ProductBMRateId) ProductBMRateId, productId from ProductBMRate
    WHERE @Today >= [EffectiveDate] AND @Today <= Case [ExpiryDate] when null then null else [ExpiryDate] end
    group by productId

    If today is 02-Sep-2018, it picks correct "ProductBMRateId" according to slots between Effective date and Expiry Date, for some how if we do not know the expiry date it should pick the date which is >= effective date. For following case it is giving incorrect "ProductBMRateId" for the case if today is 26-Sep-2018, as we do not know the expiry, it should pick the "ProductBMRateId" = 4 but its showing 2

    Declare @Today date = '26-Sep-2018'
    select @Today, max(ProductBMRateId) ProductBMRateId, productId from ProductBMRate
    WHERE @Today >= [EffectiveDate] AND @Today <= Case [ExpiryDate] when null then null else [ExpiryDate] end
    group by productId
    SELECT * FROM ProductBMRate WHERE ProductId = 1

    please help.

  • Your case statement isn't doing anything, it always returns the value of ExpiryDate.

    Your problem is that you can't compare things to null using anything other than 'is null'.
    this would work

    select @Today, max(ProductBMRateId) ProductBMRateId, productId from ProductBMRate
    WHERE @Today >= [EffectiveDate] AND ((@Today <= [ExpiryDate]) or (ExpiryDate is null))
    group by productId
  • You should never use a NULL value as an endpoint of an interval.  It becomes complicated very quickly when both the beginning and end of an interval can be null.  It is much better to use arbitrary values to represent missing or unknown start or end dates.  Typically 1900-01-01 is used for start dates and 9999-12-31, 9999-01-01, or 9000-01-01 are used for end dates.  It is important that the dates you pick do not naturally occur in your data, so you may need to pick other dates if your data can contain one or more of these dates.  It is even more important that you use a past date for unknown dates in the past, and a future date for unknown dates in the future.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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