Find DTS package name?

  • Sorry for a dumb question, but how do you find the name of a DTS package name? My Scheduled job just shows text like DTSRun ~Z0x4E56B374467DD4833032839E75300CD337410BDBFFE98F906EFB.

    I tried in sysdtspackages but could not find this string?

    Any ideas?

    SQL DBA.

  • Googled it and found this. Though not a good way to do. As I have more than 270 package and I can't sit opening all packages. Is there an another way where I can find DTS package name with SQL query?

    Another solution given in this thread also talks about getting name for one package.

    To find the Name of the DTS Package from Job step, do the following

    Right click on the job and click on Generate SQL Script. Click the Preview button and look at the preview for the line:

    --Add the job

    Now take a look at the variable @description. It should state the package name that the job is executing:

    @description = N'Execute package:Test'

    SQL DBA.

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