Find datediff in the same field

  • I need to find the date diff between the first and second , second and

    third , third and fourth...... so on for the orderdate with the same Id.

    Like this

    Id ordate datediff

    1 01/01/04 Null

    1 01/03/04 2

    1 01/06/04 3

    1 01/07/04 1

    1 01/15/04 8

    I tried many ways, but it didn't work. Do you have any idea ?

  • I found 2 solutions. The first select will not give you the row with the null value, but should perform better, the second gives you the result you want :

    use tempdb -- for testing


    set nocount on


    if object_id('dbo.ddiftbl') is not null drop table dbo.ddiftbl


    create table dbo.ddiftbl


     ID int not null,

     ordate datetime



    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040101' )

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040103')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040106')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040107')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040115')


    -- query 1 :

    select D1.ID,D1.ordate,ddif=min(datediff(d,D2.ordate,D1.ordate))

    from dbo.ddiftbl D1, dbo.ddiftbl D2

    where D1.ID=D2.ID

      and D2.ordate < D1.ordate

    group by D1.ID,D1.ordate


    -- query 2 :

    select D1.ID,D1.ordate,ddif=


     select TOP 1 datediff(d,D2.ordate,D1.ordate)

     from dbo.ddiftbl D2

     where D1.ID=D2.ID

       and D2.ordate < D1.ordate

     order by D2.ordate desc


    from dbo.ddiftbl D1

    order by D1.ID,D1.ordate


  • I think the easiest way is to work with a #table and an identity field.

    Just take care that you have the correct sortorde.

    create table #dates ( nline int identity (1,1), ordate datetime, datediffvalue int)

    insert into #dates ( ordate )

    values ( '01/01/2004' )

    values ( '01/03/2004' )

    values ( '01/06/2004' )

    values ( '01/07/2004' )

    values ( '01/15/2004' )

    declare @nloop int,

    @dStart datetime,


    select @nloop = ( select min(nline) from #dates )

    while @nloop <= ( select max(nline) from #dates )


    select @dStart = ( select ordate from #dates where nline = @nloop )

    select @dEnd = ( select ordate from #dates where nline = ( @nloop + 1 ) )

    update #dates set datediffvalue = datediff (dd, @dStart, @dEnd )

    where nline = @nloop + 1

    select @nloop = @nloop + 1


  • Michael had a good point. But you can do it without a while loop. Using a temp table is fine, but can give you some performance problems when dealing with big tables ( a copy of the table will be stored in tempdb ). You can also use a table variable, but then you need to know all the columns and column types of the table ... :


    use tempdb -- for testing


    set nocount on


    if object_id('dbo.ddiftbl') is not null drop table dbo.ddiftbl


    create table dbo.ddiftbl


     ID int not null,

     ordate datetime



    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040101' )

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040103')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040106')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040107')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 1 , '20040115')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 2 , '20040101' )

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 2 , '20040103')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 2 , '20040106')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 2 , '20040107')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 2 , '20040115')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 3 , '20040115')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 3 , '20040116')

    insert dbo.ddiftbl values ( 4 , '20040116')go

    if object_id('tempdb..#tmp') is not null drop table #tmp


    -- USING a #tmp table :

    -- create a copy of the table with an identity column

    select ident=identity(int,1,1),* into #tmp from  dbo.ddiftbl order by ID,ordate

    select D1.ID,D1.ordate,ddif=datediff(d,D2.ordate,D1.ordate)

    from #tmp D1, #tmp D2

    where D1.ID *=D2.ID

      and D1.ident *= D2.ident+1

    order by D1.ID,D1.ordate


    -- USING a table variable :

    declare @Tmp table (ident int identity(1,1),ID int not null,ordate datetime)

    insert @Tmp ( ID,ordate) select * from  dbo.ddiftbl order by ID,ordate

    select D1.ID,D1.ordate,ddif=datediff(d,D2.ordate,D1.ordate)

    from @Tmp D1, @Tmp D2

    where D1.ID *=D2.ID

      and D1.ident *= D2.ident+1

    order by D1.ID,D1.ordate

  • Thanks for all your help

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