March 25, 2008 at 10:27 pm
can anybody help me to find dynamically ( i tried to mean i have to write storedprocedure to find all tables) all tables and check their coloumn.
My purpose is want to check all table coloumns and if my checking coloumn is inside some table, then i want to update that table column
Ex- if my database has 500 tables i want to check one by one that tables and their coloumns.
March 26, 2008 at 12:30 am
You'll need to write some dynamic SQL that uses the Information_Schema views... both are in Books Online. This will likely require a loop of some sort... most prefer a cursor...
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
April 1, 2008 at 5:24 am
April 1, 2008 at 7:01 am
No need...
SELECT Table_Name, Column_Name FROM Information_Schema.Columns
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
April 1, 2008 at 7:42 am
Kinda of late to get into this subject but from various SSC contributors (whom I thank) patched together this procedure to tell you more than you wanted to know about SQL 2000 tables.
CREATE PROCEDURE dbo.UDP_Table_Definitions
Declare @default VARCHAR(128)
Declare @tname VARCHAR(128)
Declare @cname VARCHAR(128)
Declare @dtype VARCHAR(30)
Declare @dlength INT
Declare @sstatus CHAR(3)
Declare @xcomp CHAR(3)
Declare @xdef INT
Create Table #UDT_TDefs
TName VARCHAR(128),
CName VARCHAR(128),
DType VARCHAR(30),
Dlength INT,
Sstatus CHAR(3),
xComp CHAR(3),
xDef VarChar(30)
DECLARE table_cursor CURSOR fast_forward FOR
SELECT,,, sc.length, sc.Status, sc.iscomputed, sc.cdefault
From Sysobjects so, syscolumns sc, systypes st
where so.xtype = 'U' and = and sc.xtype = st.xusertype AND NOT = 'dtproperties'
Open Table_Cursor
Fetch Next from Table_Cursor into @tname, @cname, @dtype, @dlength, @sstatus, @xcomp, @xdef
While @@Fetch_Status = 0
Set @Default = ' '
If @xdef > 0
Set @Default = (Select text from syscomments where @xdef = id)
Insert Into #UDT_TDefs
(TName, CName, DType, Dlength, Sstatus, xComp, xDef)
Values (@tname, @cname, @dtype, @dlength, @sstatus, @xcomp, @Default )
Fetch Next from Table_Cursor into @tname, @cname, @dtype, @dlength, @sstatus, @xcomp, @xdef
Close Table_Cursor
Deallocate Table_Cursor
tname As 'Table Name', cname as 'Column Name', DType as 'Data Type', dlength as 'Len', sStatus as 'NP1', xComp as 'NP2', xdef as 'Default',
Case tname When 'int' then Cast(dlength as Char(6)) Else ' ' end As 'Precision',
Case sStatus When 8 then 'Yes' When 24 then 'Yes' When 56 then 'Yes' Else ' ' end As 'Allow Nulls',
Case sStatus When 128 then 'Yes' Else ' ' end As 'Identity',
Case xcomp When 1 then 'Yes' Else ' ' end As 'Computed'
From #UDT_TDefs
Order by tname
Drop table #UDT_TDefs
Run command - dbo.UDP_Table_Definitions
Returns the following:
Table Name,Column Name,Data Type,Len,NP1,NP2,Default,Precision,Allow Nulls,Identity,Computed
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