Find Colunm matches between two tables

  • H all,

    Is there a way to find out any matches of columns between two tables in SQL. I would like to do a comparison and find all matching columns?

    Thanks in advance

  • Hi,

    Are you trying to match column names, datatypes, lengths?

    I guess you could write a query that checks the sysobjects table for tables, and then joins onto syscolumns using the ID field, and then having some form of condition where you compare table column names with each other.

    You might actually have to write a T-SQL script that moves subsets of data around doing compares, and then storing the HITS you are looking for.

    Something like this:

    select as [Table Name]

    , as [Column Name]

    , as [Data Type]

    ,c.length as [Length]

    from sysobjects a

    inner join syscolumns b on =

    inner join systypes c on b.xusertype = c.xusertype

    where a.xtype = 'U'

    order by



  • Would suggest that you review

    sys.system_columns, sys.columns and sys.all_columns in BOL and you should be able to write some T-SQL to extract the information you are seeking



    Using the AdventureWorks database and comparing the tables "ProductVendor" and "ProductReview"

    SELECT Table_Name, Column_Name, Data_Type, Character_Maximum_Length FROM INFORMATION_SCHEMA.COLUMNS

    WHERE Table_Name = 'ProductVendor' OR Table_Name = 'ProductReview' ORDER BY Data_Type will produce:

    ProductVendor LastReceiptCost money NULL

    ProductVendor UnitMeasureCode nchar 3

    ProductReview Comments nvarchar 3850

    ProductReview ReviewerName nvarchar 50

    ProductReview EmailAddress nvarchar 50

    If everything seems to be going well, you have obviously overlooked something.


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