Find all occurances of a word starting with xyz_

  • Hi all,

    recently i was asked to find out dependencies of objects starting with XYZ_

    In my project we are phasing out all the sql server objects(tables/procedures/functions/views/synonyms) starting with XYZ_ and replace them with somthing else. now i am required to find out all the objects which depend on the above objects.

    i used this query to find them.

    -- to find out all objects having references to XYZ_

    SELECT DISTINCT ,o.xtype, c.TEXT

    FROM syscomments c

    INNER JOIN sysobjects o ON


    -- to find out all jobs having references to XYZ_

    use msdb

    select Job_Name, s.step_id, s.step_name,s.command

    from sysjobs A ,sysjobschedules B, sysjobsteps S

    where A.job_id = B.job_id

    and s.job_id = a.job_id

    --and a.enabled = 1

    and s.command like '% XYZ_%'

    This works, but it gives me the complete definition of those objects. Now i need to check each definition one by one to find the object and its occurrences. The output i expect is, it should give the list of objects starting with XYZ_ found in these definitions and number of times they have occurred.

    Could somebody help me out here.

  • This should do the trick. There must be some quicker way, but for a one time search it should work.

    DECLARE @searchString varchar(100)

    DECLARE @searchStringEscaped varchar(100)

    SELECT @searchString = ' XYZ_',

    @searchStringEscaped = '% XYZ[_]%'

    ;WITH searchObjects AS (

    SELECT object_name(id) as name,

    object_definition(id) AS definition

    FROM sysobjects


    SELECT + '.' + s.step_name, s.command

    FROM msdb.dbo.sysjobs A ,msdb.dbo.sysjobschedules B, msdb.dbo.sysjobsteps S

    WHERE A.job_id = B.job_id

    AND s.job_id = a.job_id






    --length of original object definition

    LEN(definition) -

    --length of object definition without any occurrences of the search string

    LEN(REPLACE(definition, @searchString,''))


    -- length of the search string

    / LEN(@searchString) AS numFind

    FROM searchObjects

    WHERE definition LIKE @searchStringEscaped

    -- Gianluca Sartori

  • Thanks Gianluca for the quick reply.

    this is good.

    wish it had also given list of distinct matching words found in the object definition.


  • In my humble opinion, this doesn't belong to SQL.

    You'd better do it in some other kind of language / technology.

    Not that I'm saying it can't be done, it's just that I don't think this is the right tool for the purpose.

    Just my two cents, anyway.

    -- Gianluca Sartori

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