June 26, 2002 at 7:00 am
find a column from all the tables of a database and delete the row of that table where ever it finds that column in tables of a database
vijay verma
vijay verma
June 26, 2002 at 9:56 am
June 27, 2002 at 2:27 am
Here i am giving the details of the question.
My question was :
i wanted to delete the rows from all the tables of a database where a particular colums occurs in the selected tables of a database in one query stored procedure and using one query both.
for ex. if dept_id column occures in six table. then i want to delete the rows from all the six table where ever it finds that dept_id column exist in the table.
vijay verma
vijay verma
June 27, 2002 at 3:07 am
declare @strTable varchar(100)
declare @strsql varchar(1000)
declare cur_del cursor
for select
O.[name] as tablename
from syscolumns C inner join sysobjects O on C.id=O.id
and O.type='U'
where C.[name]='ida'
open cur_del
fetch next from cur_del into @strTable
while @@fetch_status = 0
set @strsql = ' delete from ' + @strtable
fetch next from cur_del into @strtable
close cur_del
deallocate cur_del
June 27, 2002 at 6:36 am
the code Klas gave might work .but am not too sure , how it will delete in the required order . coz, if any references do occur . this will generate a error.
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