filtering measure values thro'' MDX

  • I have a measure Selling Amount which is the aggregation of selling amount of bookings of dimension customers.I have a requirement such that I have to specify that the measure Selling Amount should be in a specified range say (10000 to 50000) through MDX.

    Is it possible to specify a range of values for a measure in a MDX or in any other way.So that I could get in GUI the measure Selling Amount only with the specified range ie.,

    in 10000 to 50000

  • Have you tried IIf statements

    e.g. IIF([measures].[mymeasure]> 10000, IIF([measures].[mymeasure]) <50000, [measures].[mymeasure], Null), Null) - i.e. if the value is between 10 and 50 thousand return it otherwise return null

    I'm also a bit new to this - maybe there is a better way with something that can test for values between two values e.g. IIF([measures].[mymeasure] > 10000 and [measures].[mymeasure] < 50000, what if true, what if false...

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