Filter Dupes w/Compound Key

  • I'm trying to write a Stored Proc that periodically copies data from a source table to another destination table. Both the source and destination tables have the same Primary Keys. The key is a compound key on 3 fields (CustID, Product, Date)

    What SQL Statement(s) will ensure that I copy information from the source that is NOT already in the destination table? I can not use MAX(date) condition because orders may come in with past dates. I also cannot drop and recreate the destination table because other fields have data that would be lost.

    Any help is appreciated, Thanks.


    Matthew Mamet

    Web Developer

    embarc LLC

    Matthew Mamet

  • Here is a simple example on how to identify the records in one table, that don't reside in another based on a key. This example only uses one column for the key "ID", so to use a compound key just change the "ON" condition on the join. Using a select statement like this with a insert into command should help accomplish what you need.

    Hope this helps.

    create table test_data (

    id int,

    product char(10)


    create table test_data2 (

    id int,

    product char(10)


    insert into test_data values(1,'item 1')

    insert into test_data values(2,'item 2')

    insert into test_data values(3,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(3,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(3,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(5,'item 5')

    insert into test_data values(5,'item 5')

    insert into test_data values(5,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(3,'item 3')

    insert into test_data2 values(3,'item 3')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,'item 5')

    -- find duplicate id

    select, a.product

    from test_data a left join test_data2 b on =

    where b.product is null

    -- drop table test_data

    drop table test_data, test_data2

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • Greg, thanks for your reply.

    I should have been more specific in my original question, because the help I need is how to change the ON clause of the join to accomodate 3 fields.

    I know how to do it with 1 field, like your example.



    Matthew Mamet

    Web Developer

    embarc LLC

    Matthew Mamet

  • Here is a the same join with three columns included. Hope this helps......

    create table test_data (

    id int, id2 int, id3 int,

    product char(10)


    create table test_data2 (

    id int, id2 int, id3 int,

    product char(10)


    insert into test_data values(1,1,1,'item 1')

    insert into test_data values(2,1,1,'item 2')

    insert into test_data values(3,1,1,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(3,1,1,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(3,1,1,'item 3')

    insert into test_data values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    insert into test_data values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    insert into test_data values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(3,1,1,'item 3')

    insert into test_data2 values(3,1,1,'item 3')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    insert into test_data2 values(5,1,1,'item 5')

    -- find duplicate id

    select, a.product

    from test_data a left join test_data2 b on = and a.id2=b.id2 and a.id3=b.id3

    where b.product is null

    -- drop table test_data

    drop table test_data, test_data2

    Gregory Larsen, DBA

    If you looking for SQL Server Examples check out my website at

    Gregory A. Larsen, MVP

  • ah great, so its just like a regular WHERE statement.

    thanks for your help!


    Matthew Mamet

    Web Developer

    embarc LLC

    Matthew Mamet

  • Do you want to update data already there or just insert data where the PK values do not exist?

    Simon Sabin

    Co-author of SQL Server 2000 XML Distilled

    Simon Sabin
    SQL Server MVP

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