Fill missing dates related data with previous date related data and productid should be unique in SQL Server

  • How to fill missing dates related data with previous date related data and productid should be unique in SQL Server?

    Table: product

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[product]
      [productid] [int] NULL,
      [productdate] [date] NULL,
      [grandtotal] [money] NULL

    INSERT [dbo].[product] ([productid], [productdate], [grandtotal]) 
    VALUES (1, CAST(N'2017-03-01' AS Date), 100.0000)
    INSERT [dbo].[product] ([productid], [productdate], [grandtotal])
    VALUES (2, CAST(N'2017-03-02' AS Date), 200.0000)
    INSERT [dbo].[product] ([productid], [productdate], [grandtotal])
    VALUES (3, CAST(N'2017-03-05' AS Date), 300.0000)
    INSERT [dbo].[product] ([productid], [productdate], [grandtotal])
    VALUES (4, CAST(N'2017-03-10' AS Date), 400.0000)
    Table: productdetails

    CREATE TABLE [dbo].[productdetails]
      [productid] [int] NULL,
      [priceperunit] [int] NULL,
      [quantityorders] [int] NULL

    INSERT [dbo].[productdetails] ([productid], [priceperunit], [quantityorders])
    VALUES (1, 10, 2)

    INSERT [dbo].[productdetails] ([productid], [priceperunit], [quantityorders])
    VALUES (2, 20, 3)

    INSERT [dbo].[productdetails] ([productid], [priceperunit], [quantityorders]) 
    VALUES (3, 6, 5)

    INSERT [dbo].[productdetails] ([productid], [priceperunit], [quantityorders])
    VALUES (4, 15, 10)
    Here both table common column is productid. Missing dates filled with previous dates data in both table and productid should be show unique in both table unique productid will give any values but should show unique when fill missing dates values.

    Example: productdate between two dates 2017-03-02 to 2017-03-05 missed two dates are 2017-03-04 and 2017-03-05 so need to fill with previous dates data and productid should be unique.

    Get productdetail information like below

    select pd.productid, pd.priceperunit, pd.quantityorders
    from product p
    join productdetails pd on p.productid = pd.productid
    where p.productid = 2
    Based on above two tables data I want two tables data like below :

    Product output:

    productid|productdate |grandtotal
    1 |2017-03-01 |100.00
    2 |2017-03-02 |200.00
    2a |2017-03-03 |200.00 ---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    2b |2017-03-04 |200.00 ---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    3 |2017-03-05 |300.00
    3a |2017-03-06 |300.00 ---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    3b |2017-03-07 |300.00 ---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    3c |2017-03-08 |300.00---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    3d |2017-03-09 |300.00 ---here missing dates and productid show unique value
    4 |2017-03-10 |400.00

    productid|priceperunit |quantityorders
    1 |10   |2
    2 |20   |3
    2a |20   |3--missing record show unique
    2b |20   |3--missing record show unique
    3 |6    |5
    3a |6    |5--missing record show unique
    3b |6    |5--missing record show unique
    3c |6    |5--missing record show unique
    3d |6    |5--missing record show unique
    4 |15   |10
    Please tell me how to write a query to achieve this task in SQL Server

  • This works best if you have a calendar table.  I've created a CTE calendar table to demonstrate how it would work.

    I used LEAD to find the ranges for each of the records and then joined to the calendar table to fill in those ranges.

    DROP TABLE #product

    DECLARE @base_date DATE = '2017-03-01'
    CREATE TABLE #product
    [productid] [int] NULL,
    [productdate] [date] NULL,
    [grandtotal] [money] NULL

    INSERT #product ([productid], [productdate], [grandtotal])
    VALUES (1, CAST(N'2017-03-01' AS Date), 100.0000)
    ,    (2, CAST(N'2017-03-02' AS Date), 200.0000)
    ,    (3, CAST(N'2017-03-05' AS Date), 300.0000)
    ,    (4, CAST(N'2017-03-10' AS Date), 400.0000)
        SELECT *
            VALUES(0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0), (0)
        ) t(n)
    Tally AS
        FROM CTE AS a
    Cal AS
        SELECT DATEADD(DAY, n, @base_date) AS dt
        FROM Tally
    product_ranges AS
        SELECT productid, grandtotal, productdate AS start_dt, LEAD(productdate, 1, DATEADD(DAY, 1, productdate)) OVER(ORDER BY productdate) AS end_dt
        FROM #product
    SELECT productid, dt AS productdate, grandtotal
    FROM product_ranges pr
        ON pr.start_dt <= Cal.dt
            AND pr.end_dt > Cal.dt


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

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