Filestream to store Office documents?

  • I have been asked to look into using Filestream for centralising MS Office documents (mostly excel).

    Does it sound like a good idea?

    I am worried about the "user interface" aspect.

    I read that there are "this and that" APIs to read/write data to the filestream but surely one would need to write a specific interface to Word/Excel... which feels like far too hard :doze:

    I am a great admirer of SQL Server but is it the right tool for document management?

    We use SQL Server 2012 and have offices round the world with various internet connection quality.

    Our main aim is to stop the current "spreadsheet nightmare" so common with Excel.



  • To understand and Implement FileStream this might be very useful for you.

    The Art of SQL Server FILESTREAM by Jacob Sebastian and Sven Aelterman[/url]

  • That was a quick answer!

    Thanks, I'll have a look.

    I also just came across Filetables which might help...

  • FileTables extend the capabilities of the FILESTREAM feature of SQL Server. so if you want to work with FileTables you need to enable the FileStream for that SQL SERVER Instance.

  • From what I have read so far, it seems to tick all the boxes...

    It seems both exciting (capabilities) and disappointing (too easy!)

  • so what you have decided in the light exciting (capabilities) and disappointing (too easy!)?

  • The exciting bit wins I think 😉

  • 🙂 .... Best of luck

  • One other consideration though outside your stated requirements might be a Source Control tool such as Source Safe (Team Foundation Server) or SVN or even a local to your LAN set up of GIT.

  • We already use TFS for our developments but it's another story to make end users use TFS...

    It might be "phase 2"...

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