FILESTREAM error SQL Server 2014 SP1 using Cluster Shared Volumes

  • Hi all,

    We are trialling using Cluster Shared Volumes on SQL Server 2014 using FILESTREAM. We have successfully created a FILESTREAM database and uploaded and viewed data when using a SQL Server 2014 instance not using Cluster Shared Volumes. However when we migrate this application / database to a instance using Cluster Shared Volumes although we can still view the previously uploaded attachments we are no longer able to upload attachments the following error message is displayed.

    System.Data.SqlClient.SqlException: The transaction could not be committed because an error occurred while tyring to flush FILESTREAM data to disk. A file may have been open at commit time or a disk I/O error may have occurred. '\v1\EthicalReview\dbo\uolt_attachment\fsContent\FC90EE3C-9DE9-44BA-92EE-4AC1C9AFA5B3\b440f4078e0f476390e8ed9008729bf1' was one of the one or more files involved. ErorrCode: 0xc0000128

    Strangely even with this error being displayed the attachment appears in the FILESTREAM folder but the required entry fails to be inserted into the required table. So although the file is in the FILESTREAM folder structure there is no reference in the table so cant be accessed.

    I'm assuming that FILESTREAM and Cluster Shared Volumes is a supported configuration ?

    Many thanks


  • Haven't tried FILESTREAM with CSV's, although we do have CSV's implemented in our A/A cluster. I did have one issue at one time when there were some changes made to the underlying VHD's accidentally and SQL Server started complaining about how the underlying file system had changed without it knowing. I know this is a different case but I'll still ask the question - are you able to insert / delete / update other, non filestream data in the database that resides on the CSV's ?

    In my case, all the db's residing on the csv's were all corrupt and I had a tough time rebuilding all of them, more so since I had replication also in the picture, with the distribution database also corrupt.

    None of this might actually help you, but I am curious as to what you find and how you resolve it:-). Good luck.

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