File System Task Problems

  • Can anybody recommend a decent article about Dynamic File System tasks in SSIS. I've followed the instructions to the letter on all those I've found and every time I've the debug button the package has turned red and died. It's not even returning any error messages so I've no idea what's causing it to fail. I've always got the impression from the articles that there's been a step missing though.

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    —Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

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  • BWFC (3/10/2015)

    Can anybody recommend a decent article about Dynamic File System tasks in SSIS. I've followed the instructions to the letter on all those I've found and every time I've the debug button the package has turned red and died. It's not even returning any error messages so I've no idea what's causing it to fail. I've always got the impression from the articles that there's been a step missing though.

    to debug, you need to change the project to 32 bit, so that you are able to step through.


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  • Thanks Lowell, it turns out it wouldn't have mattered if I'd set it to 64bit, 32bit,16bit,8bit or any other conceivable number of bits, I still wouldn't have been able to see the error messages because I was looking in the wrong place :blush:

    After I'd got to the bottom of that I established that I'd not set my variable properly and two minutes later I was cooking on gas.

    Which leads to my next question. How does the Retrieve file name option in the Foreach Loop actually work? It seems to me that it tells the loop what data to return for example either the whole file path, foo.txt or just foo. I'm guessing that this isn't correct though because when I set my loop to retrieve anything other than a Fully Qualified file name it falls over with:

    [File System Task] Error: An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find file 'my_file'.".

    Do I need to change the For Each File enumerator from *.*?

    On two occasions I have been asked, "Pray, Mr. Babbage, if you put into the machine wrong figures, will the right answers come out?" ... I am not able rightly to apprehend the kind of confusion of ideas that could provoke such a question.
    —Charles Babbage, Passages from the Life of a Philosopher

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