File System Task Issue

  • Hi,

    I am trying to use a file system task to run a copy job from one PC to another in SSIS. IIn Visual Studio I have configured the files system package to copy from a fixed destination (a mapped drive called "P") and copy into a subfolder on the PC where I need the data files. Its copying a directories contents and not a specific file.

    In Visual Studio the package runs fine. Deploy the package and schedule it in SQL Server Agent and the package fails saying that it cant find the path..below is an exert from my log dile.

    An error occurred with the following error message: "Could not find a part of the path 'P:\Platinum\Corp'.".

    Both the agent and package have been configured with the same credentials i.e. mine, and I am an admin on the domain.

    In the meantime I have created a batch file which is launched via the SSIS package, and this works fine.


    Any ideas what can be blocking the file system task?



  • This was removed by the editor as SPAM

  • Are you using a for each loop container to loop through and if so you need to have fully qualified path set rather than filename only?

    If not, sorry, but I have had this problem before where a fully qualified path has not been set, ie runs ok when debugging but not deployed.

  • You are moving to drive P that is probably your mapped drive. When you run it in your session it is connected through some kind of script courtesy IT. For SQL agent it is not done and drive p does not exist. Use UNC connection (\\server\dir\...) instead.

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