File Name with Date

  • I have a DTS package scheduled as a job which runs everyday. It includes a script that sends the result to a flat file. How do I move ahead if I want the file name to be appended with the date on it and then it be mailed..

    thanks in advance


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • Lots of VBScripting.

    Transfers are always easier to one file name. You could use the Dynamic Properties task to alter the connection to the file to a different name based on the date. Check out the VBSCript references or even look on this site of for samples.

    For mailing, you need to have the filename, or look it up. You could do the same thing with an ExecuteSQL task if you have SQLMail enabled. OR the send mail task. Use the Dynamic Properties task to calculate the name of the file and then alter that specific task.

  • Basically I am using a FTP task which puts this file after it is created on the customers site. Now the issue is that they have a utility that runs the process by picking up the file which has the date in it. The step I use to FTP is a VB do I make sure that if date is given date then pick this file...also will I be able to delete the old files..

    thanks in advance..


    "Quality is never an accident; it is always the result of high intention, sincere effort, intelligent direction and skillful execution; it represents the wise choice of many alternatives."

  • I have always been a fan of the YYYYMMDD append format. If you are dealing with more than one file a day, or care about when the files was created, I would add a timestamp as well in the form of HHMMSS. Thus, you can have "OUTPUTFILENAME_20080918_151312.EXT" as your flat output file, and unless your script can run more than one time per second, it will be be a valid unique date/time stamp.

    For Command Prompt / Batch files, I have created the following code to create a environment variable named TimeStamp:

    SET TimeStamp=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_%time:~0,2%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%

    IF "%TIME:~0,1%"==" " SET TimeStamp=%date:~10,4%%date:~4,2%%date:~7,2%_0%time:~1,1%%time:~3,2%%time:~6,2%

    For VB(Script), I use the following snippet:

    tmpHour = Hour(Now())

    tmpMinute = Minute(Now())

    tmpSecond = Second(Now())

    IF len(tmpHour) < 2 THEN tmpHour = "0" & tmpHour

    IF len(tmpMinute) < 2 THEN tmpMinute = "0" & tmpMinute

    IF len(tmpSecond) < 2 THEN tmpSecond = "0" & tmpSecond

    tmpMonth = Month(now())

    tmpDay = Day(Now())

    IF len(tmpMonth) < 2 THEN tmpMonth = "0" & tmpMonth

    IF len(tmpDay) < 2 THEN tmpDay = "0" & tmpDay

    TimeStamp = Year(now()) & tmpMonth & tmpDay & "_" & tmpHour & tmpMinute & tmpSecond

    For SQL Server, I use:

    DECLARE @TimeStamp varchar(17)

    SET @TimeStamp = CONVERT(varchar(8), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 112) + '_' + REPLACE(CONVERT(varchar(8), CURRENT_TIMESTAMP, 14), ':', '')

    Using whichever of these best serves your purpose, combine your filename and the appropriate variable and you have a datestamped file name which you can now pass along your code.

    This should also make it easy to do file operations by date just by using the file name, since the date is now part of it.

    Hope that helps,


  • Try this:

    In your DTS package select the Dynamic Properties Task. Open the

    properties for that task and click on Add. Next expand the connections

    and select the output file to which you want to append the date. On the right hand side select the DataSource default value. Next select query in the dropdown box. For the connection select your SQL server

    connection, then add a query such as

    select 'myfile_' + substring(cast(datepart(month, getdate())+100 as char

    (3)), 2, 2)+ '_'+ substring(cast(datepart(day, getdate())+100 as char(3)), 2, 2)+ '_'+ cast(datepart(year, getdate()) as char(4))

    + '.txt' as DataSource

    The output filename will be myfile_12_18_2006.txt but you can modify

    the date format as needed. Please read about using Dynamic Properties


    VB Script(Adding to what John told):-


    ' Visual Basic ActiveX Script


    Function Main()

    On Error Resume Next

    Dim FileSys

    set FileSys = CreateObject("Scripting.FileSystemObject")

    dim tmpHour

    dim tmpMinute

    dim tmpSecond

    tmpHour = Hour(Now())

    tmpMinute = Minute(Now())

    tmpSecond = Second(Now())

    IF len(tmpHour) < 2 THEN tmpHour = "0" & tmpHour

    IF len(tmpMinute) < 2 THEN tmpMinute = "0" & tmpMinute

    IF len(tmpSecond) < 2 THEN tmpSecond = "0" & tmpSecond

    tmpMonth = Month(now())

    tmpDay = Day(Now())

    IF len(tmpMonth) < 2 THEN tmpMonth = "0" & tmpMonth

    IF len(tmpDay) < 2 THEN tmpDay = "0" & tmpDay

    TimeStamp = Year(now()) & tmpMonth & tmpDay & "_" & tmpHour & tmpMinute & tmpSecond

    DocFile = "C:\test"+TimeStamp+".txt"

    If FileSys.FileExists(DocFile) Then FileSys.DeleteFile(DocFile)

    FileSys.CreateTextFile (DocFile)


    Set DocFile = Nothing

    Main = DTSTaskExecResult_Success

    End Function



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