File Growth

  • Does SQL Server track the autogrow history? My network admin seems to think the database shouldn't be growing. I need to see why SQL grew the database and when.

    Interestingly enough, SQL is reporting 7.6 GB free space in the data file while Quest is reporting 16.6GB free space. I know there is a bug in 2000 that affects size reporting but I'm not terribly concerned about that at this point since we are supposed to be upgrading to 2005 in the near future.

  • SQL Server 2000, to my knowledge does not track growth. There are, I believe, scripts available on this site for monitoring file growth through a job. I also believe the SQL Health and History Tool (SQLH2) available from MS will track this as well. A third option is what SQL Server 2005 does automatically, which is a server-side trace that includes the Database and Log Growth events. This is where SSMS gets the data for File Growth on the Disk Usage Report.


    One other note is that the default trace that tracks this in 2005 stores data in 5 files up to 20MB. Whenever the SQL Server is restarted a new file is started so you may have less than 100MB in data available. This just means that unless you are processing the files and storing the data then the amount of activity on your server will dictate how far back you can go.

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