File Access and application usage from a stored procedure

  • I have a requirement that I need to read columns with BLOB from a table and create it as a zip file by compressing without using xp and components only using sp. Please help me in this regars. Also I need more info regarding File system object (Handling files and folders from stored procedures).

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  • You can write a small script to read out the data(vbscript or osql) and you can then zip up the file. You can then schedule the script from windows or sql server.

    Can you give more information of what exactly you would like to achieve so that someone might be able to help you with a better idea

  • What do you mean by "without using xp and components only using sp". T-SQL in itself has absolutely no functionality for this (of course). You could use the sp_OA* to call some outside functionality, but I would equal that to "using an xp". In any case I would probably recommend you to take a path such as the one that sa24 recommends. This is normally not really a job for the database server.

  • After you have the files out of the database you may want to run a command-line tool from the WINZIP website to zip those files


    Regards,Yelena Varsha

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