Fields From Record Returned With MAX

  • I have three tables; Company, Projects and Notes.

    Company is made up of: company_id(PK), company_name, company_city

    Projects is made up of: project_id(PK), company_id(FK), project_name

    Notes is made up of: note_id(PK), project_id(FK), note_text, note_date, note_author

    I would like to have returned:

    company_id, company_name, company_city, [no of projects], [most recent note date], [author of that most recent note]

    Before I complicated it with note_author, I had the following command:

    SELECT company.company_id, company.company_name, company.company_city, count(projects.project_id), MAX(notes.note_date) as 'most_recent_note_date'

    FROM company

    LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON projects.company_id = company.company_id

    LEFT OUTER JOIN notes ON notes.project_id = projects.project_id

    GROUP BY company.company_id, company.company_name, company.company_city

    This gave me a single row for each company showing the total number of projects, and the date of the most recent note, or null if there were no notes.

    How do I modify this query to also bring back the note_author of the most recent note?

    When I add notes.note_author into my SELECT and GROUP BY statements, I get row for each note.

    What am I doing wrong?

  • Before I continue, please verify that the test environment I have created below is at least some what accurate regarding your problem. Please note a couple of things here.

    One, you really should have done al of this for us. Please look carefully at everything in the post so that in the future you can do this for other problems you encounter and require assistance.

    Two, I made slight changes based on how I do things, but it should not have changed the basics of your problem. If there is anything that needs to be added, please do.

    --Company is made up of: company_id(PK), company_name, company_city

    --Projects is made up of: project_id(PK), company_id(FK), project_name

    --Notes is made up of: note_id(PK), project_id(FK), note_text, note_date, note_author

    --I would like to have returned:

    --company_id, company_name, company_city, [no of projects], [most recent note date], [author of that most recent note]


    --Before I complicated it with note_author, I had the following command:

    --SELECT company.company_id, company.company_name, company.company_city, count(projects.project_id), MAX(notes.note_date) as 'most_recent_note_date'

    --FROM company

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN projects ON projects.company_id = company.company_id

    --LEFT OUTER JOIN notes ON notes.project_id = projects.project_id

    --GROUP BY company.company_id, company.company_name, company.company_city

    create table dbo.Company( -- Create Company Table

    CompanyID int primary key,

    CompanyName varchar(32),

    CompanyCity varchar(32)


    create table dbo.Project( -- Create Project Table

    ProjectID int primary key,

    CompanyID int,

    ProjectName varchar(32)


    create table dbo.Note( -- Create Note Table

    NoteID int primary key,

    ProjectID int,

    NoteDate datetime,

    NoteAuthor varchar(32),

    NoteText varchar(max)


    insert into dbo.Company -- Insert test data to Company table

    select 1,'ABC Corp','Some Town' union all

    select 2,'ACME Inc','Another Town';

    insert into dbo.Project -- Insert test data to Project table

    select 1,1,'Simple Server Install' union all

    select 2,1,'SAP Install' union all

    select 3,2,'SQL Server Cluster Install' union all

    select 4,2,'AXAPTA Install';

    insert into dbo.Note -- Insert test data to Note table

    select 1,1,getdate() - 3, 'Tom','Missing power cables for server' union all

    select 2,1,getdate() - 2, 'Tom','Server cables arrived over-night' union all

    select 3,2,getdate() - 4, 'Joe','SAP Install going great' union all

    select 4,2,getdate(), 'Joe','New server up, creating reporting database for SAP system' union all

    select 5,3,getdate() - 5, 'Sam','Having problems with cluster install' union all

    select 6,3,getdate() - 3, 'Sam','Found the problem, disk controller not on HAL' union all

    select 7,4,getdate() - 1, 'Tom','AXAPTA install now in progress, Cluster working great. Thanks Sam' union all

    select 8,4,getdate(), 'Tom','AXAPTA install complete, users loading configuration data';

    select -- Verify data in Company table




    select -- Verify data in Project table




    select -- Verify data in Note table








    count(Project.ProjectID) as ProjectCount,

    MAX(Note.NoteDate) as LatestNoteDate



    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Project

    ON Project.CompanyID = Company.CompanyID

    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Note

    ON Note.ProjectID = Project.ProjectID






    -- Started work on a CTE based solution, but stopped. Meant to cut this part out but missed it


    -- )

    -- select

    -- CompanyID,

    -- CompanyName,

    -- CompanyCity,

    -- ProjectCount,

    -- LatestNoteDate;


    drop table dbo.Company; -- drop test table

    drop table dbo.Project; -- drop test table

    drop table dbo.Note; -- drop test table

  • @Lynn - it looks like the beginning of your CTE is missing, and the select from it isn't referencing the CTE. Otherwise, very nicely done.

    Microsoft Certified Master: SQL Server 2008
    Author - SQL Server T-SQL Recipes

    If you can't explain to another person how the code that you're copying from the internet works, then DON'T USE IT on a production system! After all, you will be the one supporting it!
    For better assistance in answering your questions
    Performance Problems
    Common date/time routines
    Understanding and Using APPLY Part 1 & Part 2

  • WayneS (7/3/2009)

    @Lynn - it looks like the beginning of your CTE is missing, and the select from it isn't referencing the CTE. Otherwise, very nicely done.

    Opps, I meant to cut that part out. I started working on the solution, and stopped, deciding I needed to be sure what I had was a good base to start from. I'll edit the code.

  • Lynn,

    Thanks for the advice. I didn't think to include the code to create the environment I am using.

    I will do so in future.

    What was in your code samples looks fine. I appreciate any help I can get.

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