Field Lengths

  • Thanks for the great question! EZ one for Friday. 🙂

    Everything is awesome!

  • Thanks for the question Steve! I know a number of developers who have probably never used datalength. It is good to see questions around functions that aren't used every day.

  • I almost got it wrong because of miscounting the number of extra columns. Was looking for a "10" answer in the wrong position. The only reason I ended up getting it right was that there was only a single answer with a "10" in the position where I was looking.

    All those extra columns made the question more complex without really adding something; other than that it was a fair question (just a shame there was no option "10" for the LEN(d) colum; I'm sure some people would have fallen for that)

    Hugo Kornelis, SQL Server/Data Platform MVP (2006-2016)
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  • Hugo Kornelis (10/11/2013)(just a shame there was no option "10" for the LEN(d) colum; I'm sure some people would have fallen for that)

    There is; the last choice: 1,1,1,1,40,1,10,2,1

    But I guess there is a typo as it`s written 10.2 in the QoTD.

    Thanks & Best Regards,
    Hany Helmy
    SQL Server Database Consultant

  • Excellent question, thanks!

  • I am surprised that the number of correct answers is well above the average (81 percent): it took me several minutes to figure it out.

    Thanks for the question, Steve!

  • nice question thanks

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