Few questions on a SQL Server 2012 two node active/passive cluster installation

  • Hi All,

    Few questions on a SQL Server 2012 two node active/passive cluster installation on Win2012.

    1. What are the permissions required for the user used to install SQL Server 2012 cluster.

    Does it need to have any rights on DC or anywhere else apart from the local nodes ?

    2. Can we give ANY meaningful name to "SQL Server Network Name" during installation ?

    Do we need to manually configure it anywhere else before or after the installation ?

    3. On what scenarios we need to check/uncheck DHCP check box ?



  • Joy Smith San (5/3/2015)

    1. What are the permissions required for the user used to install SQL Server 2012 cluster.

    Does it need to have any rights on DC or anywhere else apart from the local nodes ?

    Clustering changed substantially from Windows 2008 onwards. If the user creating the cluster is not an administrator then permission issues will be encountered.

    More specifically the CNO will need to be configured for the ability to create VCO's. More can be found at this link

    Joy Smith San (5/3/2015)

    2. Can we give ANY meaningful name to "SQL Server Network Name" during installation ?

    Do we need to manually configure it anywhere else before or after the installation ?

    The Virtual Computer Object you specify must comply with the standard naming for a windows computername, a VCO is essentially a computername.

    The VCO clustered resource is created during the clustered instance install process

    Joy Smith San (5/3/2015)

    3. On what scenarios we need to check/uncheck DHCP check box ?



    Are you using DHCP for IP address provisioning?


    "Ya can't make an omelette without breaking just a few eggs" 😉

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