Fetching data from xml Column in correct way

  • I have a table ESRequestInfo in there is a field of XmlData.









    <Caption>Employee Category</Caption>


    <CurrentInfo />






    <Caption>Employee ID</Caption>


    <CurrentInfo />






    I have to select data from xmlData field like 49843

    Here is my query

    SELECT CAST((R.[XMLData].query('/Record/Body/Insert/Request/Column/ColumnName/text()')) as varchar(8000)) as TableInfo

    FROM ESRequestInfo AS [R]

    But the query getting data like EmpCatEmpID

    Kindly help me out

  • check your xml....the xml supplied is not valid.

  • Its a very long xml and its output is also long that I cant post whole xml here.

    That is why I have posted some of it here with the query.

    Can you tell me the way I fetch any column with suitable heading

  • If you provide a block of compliant xml i.e. tags which open and close then perhaps I can help...but not as it is. (Maybe someone else is more charitable than I.)

  • I have send you whole xml in private message check it out

  • 'Record/Body/Insert/Request/Column[1]/UpdateInfo/text()' will give you the first occurence of UpdateInfo (Column[1])

    'Record/Body/Insert/Request/Column/UpdateInfo' will give you all results in a fragment.

    <UpdateInfo>TESTPOLICY01</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>test Policy 01 for Appraisal</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>1</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>30</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>TOPICA</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>Topic A bind with objective</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>1</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>dd</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>01</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>Test</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>01-Jan-1900</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>0</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>32</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>we</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>we</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>60</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>30</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>6/11/2014 12:00:00 AM</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>30</UpdateInfo><UpdateInfo>6/11/2014 12:00:00 AM</UpdateInfo>

  • What if I have to get all request in seperate rows for each request

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