Fetch Row by Row with out using cursor

  • hi Jeff

    This is to implement some cloning functionality in my application

  • Heh... Yeaup... I know that... what I want to know is why you need to clone rows like this...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hi jeff

    This is just like copying the recipes and its corresponding lineitem from one location to other location to reduce the time of dataentry for the user to maintain in their application

  • shalini_pdi (4/29/2008)

    from one location to other location to reduce the time of dataentry

    Perfect... that's what I was looking for. Thank you so much.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Oh, crud... I just thought of this... If you're using it for that, it's possible that two people could conflict with each other and get the wrong rows...

    We've gotta come up with something else unless you're doing this in a batch job instead of by individuals... that's another reason why I ask... make sure we haven't given you the wrong answer for what you're doing. We may have to throw a transaction into this...

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • The other thing to be considered, it what the new rows are in the RecipeLine table are... you'll need to pass those ID's back to the GUI, won't you?

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hi,

    I will get these id in the gui.I have prob with the query bcoz if i give some thing like this SELECT @MaxRecipeId = MAX(RecipeId)

    FROM Recipe Where LocationId =2

    I am getting the error as Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint

  • Hi Jeff

    I m getting error when i get the query based on some condition as i have mentioned in previous post

  • You must be getting this error when inserting the data into a table,

    are you able to post the procedure that you use to insert the data?

  • shalini_pdi (5/2/2008)

    Hi Jeff

    I m getting error when i get the query based on some condition as i have mentioned in previous post

    "I am getting the error as Violation of PRIMARY KEY constraint"

    Real hard to figure out why with no code, no data, no table structure. Obviously, you'll need to change your logic as SteveB suggested... stop inserting dupes is what it boils down to.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Hi jeff

    Consider the table structure would be

    RecipeId RecipeName LocationId

    1 chicken 1

    2 Pizza 1

    3 chicken Breasts 2


    RecipeLineItemId RecipeId ItemId

    1 1 20

    2 1 21

    3 1 22

    4 2 20

    5 2 24

    DECLARE @MaxRecipeId as INT

    SELECT @MaxRecipeId = MAX(RecipeId )

    FROM Recipe Where LocationId =1


    INSERT INTO Recipe (RecipeId,[Name],LocationId)

    SELECT RecipeId = RecipeId + @MaxRecipeId,

    [Name] = [Name],

    LocationId = 4,

    FROM Recipe Where LocationId = 1


    INSERT INTO RecipeLineItem(RecipeId,ItemId)

    SELECT RecipeId = RecipeId + @MaxRecipeId,

    ItemId = ItemId

    FROM RecipeLineItem

    I have used the following query.In the table structure recipeId and RecipeLineItem are primary key.

  • I haven't tried it, but I believe your problem is in the following code...

    DECLARE @MaxRecipeId as INT

    SELECT @MaxRecipeId = MAX(RecipeId )

    FROM Recipe Where LocationId =1

    It should not be limited to a given location ID... Remove the WHERE clause and you should be all set.

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • hi jeff

    As of now my requirement is i have to clone the item based on the locationid. so i have insert the recipe and recipelineItem based on the location.When i remove the where clause i would not meet the requirement

  • First, take a look at the URL in my signature to get better help, faster. 😉

    Following my own "rules", here some test tables and some test data...

    --===== Presets

    SET NOCOUNT ON --Suppress the auto-display of rowcounts for appearance

    --===== Create some temporary test tables and populate them with test data

    --drop table #Recipe,#RecipeLineItem,#Clone

    CREATE TABLE #Recipe

    (RecipeID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, RecipeName VARCHAR(30), LocationID INT)

    INSERT INTO #Recipe (RecipeName, LocationID)

    SELECT 'Chicken' ,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pizza' ,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Chicken Breasts',1

    CREATE TABLE #RecipeLineItem

    (RecipeLineItemId INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,RecipeId INT,ItemId INT)

    INSERT INTO #RecipeLineItem (RecipeID,ItemID)






    SELECT 3,13

    ... and, loving SQL Server 2005 a bit more than I used to, here's your solution... the key, in this case, was to either do it using RBAR (not on my watch!) or you had to know EVERYTHING you were going to insert before the actual INSERT. Obviously, I chose the latter. As always, the explanations are commented in the code.


    -- Clone recipes by location


    --===== Presets

    SET NOCOUNT ON --Suppress the auto-display of rowcounts for appearance

    SET XACT_ABORT ON --Stop processing if anything goes wrong in the transaction

    --===== Declare the local variables

    DECLARE @LocationSource INT --The location we want to clone

    DECLARE @LocationTarget INT --The newly cloned location

    --===== Identify the loaction numbers involved in the cloning

    SET @LocationSource = 1

    SET @LocationTarget = 4

    --===== Start a transaction because this all has to happen together


    --===== Get ALL the information we need at once including the new recipe ID's


    cteKnowAll AS


    SELECT RecipeNumber = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY r.RecipeID),

    OldRecipeID = r.RecipeID,


    OldLocationID = r.LocationID,

    NewLocationID = @LocationTarget,


    FROM #Recipe r WITH (TABLOCKX), --Lock the table so no one can insert/update/delete

    #RecipeLineItem i WITH (TABLOCKX) --Lock the table so no one can insert/update/delete

    WHERE r.RecipeID = i.RecipeID

    AND r.LocationID = @LocationSource


    SELECT NewRecipeID = k.RecipeNumber+IDENT_CURRENT('#Recipe'),

    RecipeName = k.RecipeName,

    NewLocationID = k.NewLocationID,

    ItemID = k.ItemID

    INTO #Clone

    FROM cteKnowAll k

    --===== Clone the recipes


    INSERT INTO #Recipe




    FROM #Clone


    --===== Clone the recipe line items

    INSERT INTO #RecipeLineItem



    FROM #Clone

    --===== If we made it to here, we can commit


    --===== Verify the original condition of the test tables

    SELECT * FROM #Recipe

    SELECT * FROM #RecipeLineItem

    --Jeff Moden

    RBAR is pronounced "ree-bar" and is a "Modenism" for Row-By-Agonizing-Row.
    First step towards the paradigm shift of writing Set Based code:
    ________Stop thinking about what you want to do to a ROW... think, instead, of what you want to do to a COLUMN.

    Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.

    Helpful Links:
    How to post code problems
    How to Post Performance Problems
    Create a Tally Function (fnTally)

  • Jeff Moden (5/3/2008)

    First, take a look at the URL in my signature to get better help, faster. 😉

    Following my own "rules", here some test tables and some test data...

    --===== Presets

    SET NOCOUNT ON --Suppress the auto-display of rowcounts for appearance

    --===== Create some temporary test tables and populate them with test data

    --drop table #Recipe,#RecipeLineItem,#Clone

    CREATE TABLE #Recipe

    (RecipeID INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY, RecipeName VARCHAR(30), LocationID INT)

    INSERT INTO #Recipe (RecipeName, LocationID)

    SELECT 'Chicken' ,1 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Pizza' ,2 UNION ALL

    SELECT 'Chicken Breasts',1

    CREATE TABLE #RecipeLineItem

    (RecipeLineItemId INT IDENTITY(1,1) PRIMARY KEY,RecipeId INT,ItemId INT)

    INSERT INTO #RecipeLineItem (RecipeID,ItemID)






    SELECT 3,13

    ... and, loving SQL Server 2005 a bit more than I used to, here's your solution... the key, in this case, was to either do it using RBAR (not on my watch!) or you had to know EVERYTHING you were going to insert before the actual INSERT. Obviously, I chose the latter. As always, the explanations are commented in the code.


    -- Clone recipes by location


    --===== Presets

    SET NOCOUNT ON --Suppress the auto-display of rowcounts for appearance

    SET XACT_ABORT ON --Stop processing if anything goes wrong in the transaction

    --===== Declare the local variables

    DECLARE @LocationSource INT --The location we want to clone

    DECLARE @LocationTarget INT --The newly cloned location

    --===== Identify the loaction numbers involved in the cloning

    SET @LocationSource = 1

    SET @LocationTarget = 4

    --===== Start a transaction because this all has to happen together


    --===== Get ALL the information we need at once including the new recipe ID's


    cteKnowAll AS


    SELECT RecipeNumber = DENSE_RANK() OVER (ORDER BY r.RecipeID),

    OldRecipeID = r.RecipeID,


    OldLocationID = r.LocationID,

    NewLocationID = @LocationTarget,


    FROM #Recipe r WITH (TABLOCKX), --Lock the table so no one can insert/update/delete

    #RecipeLineItem i WITH (TABLOCKX) --Lock the table so no one can insert/update/delete

    WHERE r.RecipeID = i.RecipeID

    AND r.LocationID = @LocationSource


    SELECT NewRecipeID = k.RecipeNumber+IDENT_CURRENT('#Recipe'),

    RecipeName = k.RecipeName,

    NewLocationID = k.NewLocationID,

    ItemID = k.ItemID

    INTO #Clone

    FROM cteKnowAll k

    --===== Clone the recipes


    INSERT INTO #Recipe




    FROM #Clone


    --===== Clone the recipe line items

    INSERT INTO #RecipeLineItem



    FROM #Clone

    --===== If we made it to here, we can commit


    --===== Verify the original condition of the test tables

    SELECT * FROM #Recipe

    SELECT * FROM #RecipeLineItem

    I have followed the same procedure as u have mentioned. Its working fine. If i execute the code more than once i got the error as There is already an object named '#Clone' in the database.So i have changed the '#Clone' in to different name when each and every time it executes.

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