Fetch Relative Cursors

  • Hi,

    I have a table that contained about 1000 records. The table will use by VB application, and the primary key will displays in a combo box format. However the developer wants the combo box just show 50 records in one time, and to view the other records user will have to scroll the combo box.

    I read in BOL that sql server can implementing this condition using cursors and fetch the cursor using fetch relative. I tried in query analyzer, but in only show the data in format record 25, record 50, record 75, and so on.

    The script that I used is :

    fetch relative 50 from cursor_name

    while @fetch_status = 0

    fetch relative 50 from cursor_name

    < proses to insert into #table >

    I saved the record that already fetched into temporary table

    What is wrong ????

  • Hey can you be more specific about your question? i am not able to get it.

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