Fat Man Walking

  • "When I first started I had it all wrong. I was focused on the mechanics of the walk. It's turned out to be more about the journey."

    That quote is from a story on C|Net about Steve Vaulk's walk across America and it's one that I think is important in life. You can read more about the journey at fatmanwalking.com if you want. It's certainly an interesting story and in these days of "reality entertainment", a potentially profitable one.

    But that quote is something that seems like it's been forgotten around the world, in every industry, not just the health and exercise one. There are sometimes quick fixes and sometimes instant gratification. But in most cases, life is a journey and learning to enjoy the journey, not the end result, is the important thing.

    We have forgotten how to be craftsmen and craftswomen in many cases, forgotten that the time spent accomplishing something is really the time to enjoy. Whether it's writing code or driving in the car with your kids. Life is short, and passes quickly. The older you get, the more you will see this to be true. I measure many things in years now that I would not have imagined even a decade ago.

    Stop and enjoy your life. Look for enjoyment in the little things. The next time that you are annoyed with your kids, your job, or something else, take a deep breath and a minute to reexamine things and enjoy the journey of getting places.

    Or at least think how relieved you'll be when things are over.

    Steve Jones

  • Hi Steve. Yeah. This is very true, and I think my latest 'New Year Prank' fits in nicely with this.

    When I greet someone, instead of the usual "Properous New Year" I say "Prosperity just for today, because none of us knows what the heck to do with a whole year worth of prosperity!". It has quite an effect. 😉

  • Very true.  And as much as I like SQL, I would consider my life incomplete if that was the pinnacle of my existance.


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