Fastest way to look for a word from a string matching a list of words in a lookup table

  • Hi All
    I have a table currently holding 5.2 mil rows with a total of 50 + columns in about 10 of the columns could have a string which I need to check against my lookup table with about 15000 rows of the single or pattern of words i need to find the first matching value and insert the DataID from my lookup table into a staging table for later use I have some code that works but is' very slow doing about 10000 rows in about 2 hours and I have 5.2 mil to look through 10 times so any ideas on how I could speed this up please I have put the code and examples of the lookup table and the strings it could be looking up in

    Lookup Table "Dim_InMem_ReplaceSize" 15488 rows sorted ascending by len of the value I'm looking for in the string in the products table
    LookupValue                 LookupLenSort    DataID
    48K                               3                           15072
    50A                               3                           15073
    32 | K                            6                           13817
    34 - A                            6                           13818
    34DD|36D|38DD3       14                           7499
    30/B,30/C,32/C           14                           5622

    Products Table with 5.2 mil rows but this will be bigger
    One of the columns has the following value
    76576U-Generic Font-Cleverley/18-24 Months
    7418BSUSBADUN-- Inter Font-Bobby Boswell/M
    Body Sculpture BE-6120GHW Elliptical Cross Trainer CLICK TO VIEW PRODUCT VIDEO! 12 Program ComputerMagnetic Brake System4 user settingsHand Pulse SensorsAdjustable SaddleDual HandlebarsFREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY
    Big Air Universal Octagonal 10ft Trampoline + Safety EnclosureFor all the Family56 All New Extreme Bounce Springs2.0mm Gauge Top Frame5 Year Frame WarrantyHOT Galvanised FrameFREE NEXT DAY DELIVERY AVAILABLE

    The code I have currently is a function wrapping the column i'm looking up from one at a time in stages 

    this is the function
        @Value VARCHAR(8000)
        WITH ColourList AS ( -- replace this section with your Colour table when the time comes.
        SELECT SCT.LookupValue,SCT.DataID
        FROM dbo.Dim_InMem_ReplaceSize SCT
                    ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY
                    ) AS rn,    -- prevents "Yellow" from butchering up "LightGoldenRodYellow"..

                    dbo.Dim_InMem_ReplaceSize cl
                    @Value LIKE '%' + cl.LookupValue + '%'
            ), RecursiveReplace AS (
                -- -- My select 1
                SELECT cis.DataID AS ReturnString,
                ----cis.ReplaceBackSize AS ReturnString,
                    LookupList cis
                    cis.rn = 1

                UNION ALL

                -- -- My select 2
                SELECT cis.DataID
                AS ReturnString,
                    LookupList cis
                    JOIN RecursiveReplace rr
                        ON cis.rn = rr.rn + 1
        SELECT TOP 1
            RecursiveReplace rr
        ORDER BY
            rr.rn DESC;

    And this is how I'm using it in 10k chunks the lookup is the one taking the time

    DECLARE        @DateNow    DATE    =    CONVERT(DATE,GETDATE())
    -- -- -- -- -- Large batch processing
    ---- -- -- -- -- Lookup from column model_number

    Fact_ProviderProductID        =    FSM.Fact_ProviderProductID
    ,Fact_MasterProductID        =    FSM.Fact_MasterProductID
    ,FlagProcessed                =    NULL
    FROM dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductID FSM
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductIDSplitBatch FSMS
        ON FSM.Fact_ProviderProductID = FSMS.Fact_ProviderProductID
    WHERE FSMS.Fact_ProviderProductID IS NULL


    INSERT INTO dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductIDSplitBatch
    SELECT TOP 10000
    Fact_ProviderProductID        =    FSM.Fact_ProviderProductID
    ,Fact_MasterProductID        =    FSM.Fact_MasterProductID
    ,FlagProcessed                =    0
    FROM dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductID FSM
    LEFT OUTER JOIN dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductIDSplitBatch FSMS
        ON FSM.Fact_ProviderProductID = FSMS.Fact_ProviderProductID
    WHERE FSMS.Fact_ProviderProductID IS NULL

    INSERT INTO dbo.Staging_Feed_AffW_MasterSizeLookup
    aw_product_id                =    SFA.aw_product_id
    ,[Value]                    =    (SELECT lc.ReturnString FROM dbo.UTfn_LikeSizeTableDataID(REPLACE(SFA.model_number + ' ','/',' ')) lc)
    ,[Source]                    =    'model_number'
    ,Etl_DateFirstLoad            =    @DateNow
    ,Etl_DateUpdated            =    @DateNow
    FROM dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductIDSplitBatch FSMPP
    INNER JOIN dbo.Staging_Feed_AffW SFA
        ON FSMPP.Fact_ProviderProductID = SFA.aw_product_id
    WHERE FSMPP.FlagProcessed = 0
    ----(SELECT lc.ReturnString FROM dbo.UTfn_LikeSizeTableDataID(REPLACE(SFA.model_number + ' ','/',' ')) lc) IS NOT NULL

    UPDATE dbo.Fact_InMem_Staging_MasterProductLookupProviderProductIDSplitBatch
    SET FlagProcessed = 1
    WHERE FlagProcessed = 0


    The above was something that was recommended to me on I think the SQL 2014 forum
    Could anyone recommend a faster way to do this please as having to wait for about 2 months for some look up's to complete is not my idea of best pratice

    PS I have no control over the source of the data

    Kind regards
    The Northern Monkey

  • Not sure this is ever going to go very fast.   Also, using the function that way, while it is an inline table-valued function, the problem is that it's used in a way that I'm not sure is really going to work very well.   You also are performing a REPLACE function on long string data, so that's not helping either.   You might be able to use FULL TEXT INDEXING, because your search is a CONTAINS kind of search, and it would have to be on the smaller table.  I don't know enough about FTI to help much, so Google will be your best friend in that regard.

    Steve (aka sgmunson) 🙂 🙂 🙂
    Rent Servers for Income (picks and shovels strategy)

  • maybe a set up script that creates the tables and inserts some simple sample data and also the expected results would have had many views and only one reply.
    just saying.

    you can lead a user to data....but you cannot make them think
    and remember....every day is a school day

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