Fastest Way to copy a fields table to table in SP

  • I was wondering, if i got fields in table A wanted to do some transformation and copy it to table B, what is the fastest way in a store procedure? i have to do

    insert into B

    select field1

    , field2


    from A

    do i suppose to enable "select into / bulk copy" for faster performance? or in a database properties i have already put simple as logging, instead of full and select into/bulk copy..

    which one perform more logging ? select into / bulk copy or simple???????


  • quote:

    I was wondering, if i got fields in table A wanted to do some transformation and copy it to table B, what is the fastest way in a store procedure? i have to do

    Because you want some transformation to data, you may try DTS.


    insert into B

    select field1

    , field2


    from A

    insert into statement is fully logged, Doesn't matter whether you set database recovery mode to 'simple' or 'select into / bulk copy'. Setting database to 'simple' recovery model will truncate the log by system at checkpoint automatically.


    do i suppose to enable "select into / bulk copy" for faster performance? or in a database properties i have already put simple as logging, instead of full and select into/bulk copy..

    which one perform more logging ? select into / bulk copy or simple???????

    The Bulk-Logged Recovery model (same as select into / bulk copy in SQL Server 7.0)provides best performance and minimal log space usage for certain large-scale or bulk copy operations. These operations are minimally logged:


    Bulk load operations (bcp and BULK INSERT).

    CREATE INDEX (including indexed views).

    text and image operations (WRITETEXT and UPDATETEXT).

  • If Table B is to start out empty, then you could truncate it, drop it and then use a SELECT statement rather than INSERT:

    SELECT Field1, Field2, ...
    INTO TableB
    FROM TableA

    This will use the bulk copy process, so if your recovery model is Simple or Bulk-Logged it will be faster than using INSERT.

    If Table B does not first get emptied, you might get better performance by using bcp to write out the transformed data and then using BULK INSERT to get it into Table B.

    Bulk-Logged and Simple models both do the same amount of logging, but the Simple model has the additional overhead of truncating the log on every checkpoint.



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