February 10, 2003 at 12:01 pm
We recently experienced a memory parody error on our production SQL Server, and have subsequently replaced all memory (4GB). Following the physical replacement, NT and SQL Server are reporting variations on the actual amount of memory available. The BIOS recognizes the entire 4GB. NT acknowledges 4GB from within Task Manager, but reports on 2GB from within the Help, About screen. Further, SQL Server reports a max server memory of 1985 from within sp_configure but still reflects 3839 as the maximum on the memory tab of the Server properties within Enterprise Manager. More importantly, SQL behaves as if it is thrashing with the associated high processor utilization and paging that is indicative of that type of problem. Users are waiting an eternity for results to be returned. I have verified that the /3GB option has been set in the NT boot.ini file (but this was always set and nothing changed with regard to the OS or SQL configuration). Any assistance with this matter would be greatly appreciated.
February 12, 2003 at 4:14 pm
Which version of SQL are you running? Assuming it is Enterprise (since standard won't recognize beyond 2GB), remember there is also and /awe switch needed (I just don't remember where at the moment)
February 14, 2003 at 9:22 am
This may sound extreme, but if it's a production server, if nothing is screaming out at you I would rebuild the box. Detach the databases hope fully they are on a seperate drive space than your app and OS. Reinstall O/S verify the install carefully, reinstall SQL Server with sp3. Set the /AWE switch. verify the setting. Look at all the logs.
At this point if SQL Server still doesn't acknoweledge the memory then you have an incompatibility between the MS and the hardware manufactor. Whose your hardware manufactor?
John Zacharkan
John Zacharkan
February 17, 2003 at 10:34 am
Tend to agree with the last post. Looks like a hardware or build error.
Steve Jones
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