Failed to notify ''operator name'' via email?

  • Fantastic, that did the trick.

    Thanks very much

  • Many thanks for that. You've saved me many hours of looking for the solution 😀

  • Thanks a lot guys. Made the suggested change it works now.

    You made my day 😎

  • A restart was enough (after activating dbmail), thanks!

  • Thanks Henrik - that's been bugging me for months!

  • Very nice. Nothing in my instructions about setting this up said anything about needing to enable Database Mail by checking that box. Thank you, Henrik!

  • Even a blind hen can sometimes find her corn.

    Thank you all for the kind words.

    Best regards,

    Henrik Staun Poulsen

    Stovi Software

  • Thanks.

  • Awesome, thanks a TON!

  • Thanks! You saved the bacon.

  • Hey,

    This is very very helpful...I really appreciate it.

  • Thanks!!

  • Thanks Henrik.

  • I know this thread is old, but this is exactly why it is so important to have this resource.

    I am a relatively new, self taught DBA, totally relying on sites like SQL Server Central for my training, and I had the problem that started this thread this morning - a job failed, and failed to email me about it, though I thought I had everything set up perfectly, including turning on Database mail in SQL Agent --> Properties. The only step I didn't do, and didn't see documented ANYWHERE but here, was to restart the SQL Server Agent.

    My heartfelt thanks go out, first to the person who posted that nugget, and second to the whole SQL Server community, for their willingness to help! Every one of you is greatly appreciated!

  • I struggled with this for most of the day yesterday. I searched and searched, googled and googled, with no workable solution. Just about every thread and blog I read recommended restarting the SQL Server Agent and this seemed to work for most people, but alas, would not work for me. Today, I came in with some fresh coffee and fresh perspective and figured it out.

    Using SS2K8, Windows Server 2008, 32x, everything lives on one machine.

    Sending a test email from Database mail worked.

    Message from Job History:

    "The job succeeded. The Job was invoked by User...bla bla bla...NOTE: Failed to notify 'me' via email."

    From Agent Error Log:

    "[264] An attempt was made to send an email when no email session has been established."

    Tried the following Solutions:

    In SQL Server Agent Properties >> Alert System >> checked Enabled mail profile.

    In Surface Area Configuration (which has been moved to Facets in SS2K8, btw) >> DatabaseMailEnabled = True.

    Deleted and recreated both mail profile and operator.

    Restarted Server Agent like a bazillion times.

    The ultimate solution (I can tell you are on the edge of your seat, nice desk chair by the way, no, really):

    Under Database Mail Configuration >> SMTP Authentication >> changed from Basic authentication to Anonymous authentication >>restarted Server Agent >>crossed fingers for good luck.

    No, seriously, that was it. Don't ask me why it worked, but it worked. Hopes this helps someone.

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