Failed to Backup sqlserver using VDI

  • An application was written to backup sql server databases using Virutal Device Interface, While trying to run the application in some sql server instances(not all) virtual device create method fails with windows system error (error code : 203 - "The system could not find the environment option that was entered.").

    SQLServerAgent Error Log says

    "SQLVDI: Loc=IdentifySQLServer. Desc=MSSQLSERVER. ErrorCode=(1060)The specified service does not exist as an installed service."

    Any suggestions on this will be appreciated.



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  • deena,

    I am experiencing the same issue on one of my cluster production servers. Did you ever resolve your issue?

  • Sorry tjm,

    That was happened approx. 2 years back. I think we have resolved it but I couldn't remember how we have fixed it. No more I am working on that part now.



  • We are experiencing the same issues a few of our servers now. Cluster and non-clustered running SQL Server 2005 w/ SP3 and CU1. Lot's have had this issue but we are still searching for the resolution. In our case, we are using Idera SQLsafe for the backups.

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