Fact and dimension structior for Ticket tracking

  • Fact and dimensional structure for Ticket tracking (Sorry can't edit the topic)


    I am new to Dimensional modeling and SSAS reporting. I am working on creating a cube but first I have to create the fact and dim tables.

    I have to keep track of the status of tickets, dates they were opened and closed, operator that worked on the ticket, count of the tickets, the duration in days the ticket was open before it closed, and the # of tickets per customer.


    FactTicket: Count for ticket, duration of ticket, status of ticket,



    DimOperator: Operator_id, type, ticketcode

    Please let me know if I should add any more dimtables. Any suggestions or advice is appreciated.


  • You may need a time dimension (it's a bit of a modellers choice, and I'd probably err with just storing the time as part of the fact).

    I would also suggest you would need a status dimension. It's probably fairly small and could form a part of a generalised "status" dimension across multiple facts.

    You may also need two fact tables: one for tracking who worked on it and one for tracking when it changes state. Again, it's a modellers choice, but I find in practice those are two very different things for reporting purposes, so often it's a good idea to model them separately and make the subsequent reporting easier.

    Some ideas anyway; I can't suggest more without seeing more of the data mix and the reporting requirements.

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