Extrenal Parameter in MDX

  • Is it possible to get an external parameter value and filter the data in an MDX query. For example userID from Windows Active directory.

  • Definitely can get and use external values.  See here for the Username function in MDX.


  • Thanks Steve,

    I am trying to filter the MDX queries based on the user privileges defined in a security table...

    Please advice on this security approach. Is there any other way to implement security?

    My cube will have information of 10 states. Bust uses can be state specific or combination of 10 state states.


  • Hi Georgie,

    Have you read through the books online section on security, in particular Roles? It's quite possible that you can achieve your desired outcome using the role based security (it can limit access down to the cell level). If you find that for some reason it's not quite what you wanted, i believe there's an old paper written by Mosha (best place to start is http://www.mosha.com) on cell security using tables that hold the security info. (Note : this is an old paper and was based on the limitations of OLAP Services [in SQL 7] and Analysis Services [SQL 2000]. Hopefully the security architecture should be mature enough now to satisfy your needs).


  • Thanks a lot steve

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