Extracting data from string

  • Hi,

    I have to write a procedure to extract data from string.

    String looks like this:


    Records are separated by '~' and columns within record are separated by ','.

    I wrote a function that extracts string to table for any single character delimiter. I use it to separate out the records first.

    like select * from dbo.udf_ExtractString('1,2,A,B,C~3,4,D,E,F~5,6,G,H,I', '~')






    Now I can use the same function again with comma as delimiter to separate the columns from each record.


    select * from dbo.udf_ExtractString('1,2,A,B,C', ',')








    The problem is that the data is added as separate records. I need to convert them as column in a single row. Any suggestion on how to do it? I tried to use Pivot but not much luck.

    I guess I can use the same logic that I used to write the above function and store the values in variables and insert ina temp table. However, I would still like to know how to convert these data in one column to one row.

    I really appreciate your help.


  • I'm confused. Can you post an example of how you would like the data to look in its final stage?

  • 1,2,A,B,C are the column data in my table.

    This is the final result I am trying to get:

    Table: StrResults

    col1 col2 col3 col4 col5

    ---- ---- ---- ---- ----

    1 2 A B C

  • Basically, you're trying to pass a "table" or "array" of data in that it has rows and columns. Please see the following article...

    [font="Arial Black"]

    Passing Parameters as (almost) 1, 2, and 3 Dimensional Arrays


    --Jeff Moden

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