Extract name from UNC Path

  • Hello Everyone

    Running into some difficulty trying to extract a name from a UNC Path. The structure of the UNC Path is this:


    I'm needing to extract "username" into a separate column.

    Any help would be appreciated.

    Thank you

  • wow, i fiddled with doing this with substring and charindex, and it is so ugly compared to using a delimitedsplit.


    (No column name) UNC ITem

    username1 \\server1-1\share\username1\this\part\goes\on\and\on username1

    bill \\server1-1\share\bill\this bill

    bartholemew \\server1-1\share\bartholemew\this bartholemew

    username2 \\server1-1\share\username2\this username2

    username3 \\server1-1\share\username3\this\part username3

    username4 \\server1-1\share\username4\this\part\goes username4


    With MyCTE(UNC)



    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\username1\this\part\goes\on\and\on' UNION ALL

    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\bill\this' UNION ALL

    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\bartholemew\this' UNION ALL

    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\username2\this' UNION ALL

    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\username3\this\part' UNION ALL

    SELECT '\\server1-1\share\username4\this\part\goes'


    --we ASSUME the '\share\' starts the name, and the trailing ' ends it

    SELECT SUBSTRING(UNC,LEN('\\server1-1\share\') + 1,CHARINDEX('\',unc,LEN('\\server1-1\share\') + 1 ) - LEN('\\server1-1\share\') -1),*


    CROSS APPLY(SELECT ITem from dbo.DelimitedSplit8K(unc,'\') WHERE ItemNumber = 5 ) x1


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  • Tested and successful on attempt 1, thanks a million!!!

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