Extract column from flatfile

  • Hello,
    I have to extaract  a column from faltfile , whose characters /length is "55575". How is that possible? it is then loaded toa  table from flatfile.

    i took column width in  table   as nvarchar(max). But when coming from text file it is only taking 4000 characters. How is it possible to insert that big column?

  • I am getting this error when i tried to change "faltfile column to dt_ntext"

    Error: The data type for "Flat_file.Outputs[Flat File Source Output].Columns[Load]" is DT_NTEXT, which is not supported with ANSI files. Use DT_TEXT instead and convert the data to DT_NTEXT using the data conversion component.

  • do you have double-byte characters in your text? If not, you don't need NTEXT at all.

  • What is the actual max length of the values in that column? For instance varchar(20) give me up to 20 but I may only get at most 5 characters in length.


  • MMartin1 - Monday, June 26, 2017 2:28 PM

    What is the actual max length of the values in that column? For instance varchar(20) give me up to 20 but I may only get at most 5 characters in length.

    Actual length o fthe characters is : 55575 (flatfile).

    Flatfile : So while reading that column i took datatype as ntext
    Flastfilesource : reading the file (column : has ntext) loading to column load(of text)[ when changed to Ntext throwing error for load ).
    This is  truncating  the column length and loading to table  as "55571" characters .

  • Just update on this : I was able to insert the Text , it was SSMS clipboard issue. When i copy text it is not copying entire text and thats why i mistook that text is not downloaded entirly.

    Can i increase the SSMS clipboard size?

  • komal145 - Tuesday, June 27, 2017 8:53 AM

    Just update on this : I was able to insert the Text , it was SSMS clipboard issue. When i copy text it is not copying entire text and thats why i mistook that text is not downloaded entirly.

    Can i increase the SSMS clipboard size?

    It's not the clipboard size.  The results grids have a character limit it will display per column, the 4000 you were seeing.

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