July 22, 2015 at 12:58 am
Hi Guys
I have a query that takes around 1 second to run until I join another table then it takes around 6 minutes.
There is nothing unusual about the table I am joining, it joins without drama in other queries and I have indexed the buggery out of it. The query is below with the problem join to the OwnershipRoleDiscipline table commented out at the end. I have the query plans but cannot see how to attach them to a post (I am new here). One thing I notice from looking at them is that the Key Lookup for the ClientProductProfile table uses 25% of resources for the slow query and 3% for the fast query, but it is not actually even involved in the problem join. Somehow the join seems to have thrown the whole execution plan haywire and I do not know how to fix it. Any ideas would be appreciated.
SELECT cpa.ClientID, p2.Description AS Product, ppc2.ProfileColour
FROM profile.ProfileValueColour ppc
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa
ON cpa.ProfileValue = ppc.Actual
AND cpa.ProfileTypeID = 13
AND ppc.ProductID = cpa.ProductID
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpp
ON cpp.ProductID = cpa.ProductId
AND cpp.ProfileValue = ppc.Potential
AND cpp.ProductID = ppc.ProductID
AND cpa.clientid = cpp.ClientID
AND cpp.ProfileTypeID = 14
JOIN dbo.Product p
ON p.ProductID = ppc.ProductID
join Profile.ProfileProductRule ppr
on ppc.ownershiproleid = ppr.ownershiproleid
and ppc.productid = ppr.productid
AND ppc.ForDisplay = 1
AND ppc.ownershiproleid = 1
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa2
ON cpa.clientid = cpa2.ClientID
AND cpa2.ProfileTypeID = 13
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpp2
ON cpa2.clientid = cpp2.ClientID
AND cpp2.ProfileTypeID = 14
JOIN profile.ProfileValueColour ppc2
ON ppc2.ProductID = cpa2.ProductID
AND ppc2.ProductID = cpp2.ProductID
AND cpp2.ProfileValue = ppc2.Potential
AND cpa2.ProfileValue = ppc2.Actual
AND cpp2.ProductID = ppc2.ProductID
AND ppc2.OwnershipRoleID = 1
JOIN product p2
ON ppc2.ProductID = p2.ProductID
JOIN dbo.OwnershipPosition op
ON op.OwnershipRoleID = ppc.OwnershipRoleID
JOIN dbo.CompanyPosition cp
ON cp.CompanyPositionID = op.CompanyPositionID
AND op.OwnershipPositionID = 92
JOIN dbo.OwnershipRole owr
ON owr.OwnershipRoleID = op.OwnershipRoleID
JOIN dbo.Geography g1
ON g1.GeographyID = cp.GeographyID
AND g1.GeographyTypeID = 6
JOIN dbo.GeographyHierarchy gh1
ON g1.GeographyID = gh1.ParentGeographyID
AND gh1.GeographyHierarchyTypeID = owr.GeographyHierarchyTypeID
JOIN dbo.Geography g2
ON g2.GeographyID = gh1.ChildGeographyID
AND g2.GeographyTypeID = 7
JOIN dbo.GeographyHierarchy gh2
ON g2.GeographyID = gh2.ParentGeographyID
AND gh2.GeographyHierarchyTypeID = owr.GeographyHierarchyTypeID
JOIN dbo.Geography g3
ON g3.GeographyID = gh2.ChildGeographyID
AND g3.GeographyTypeID = 8
JOIN dbo.Address a
ON a.GeographyBrickReferenceID = g3.ReferenceID
JOIN client c
ON c.PrimaryAddressId = a.AddressID
AND a.AddressStatusID > 0
AND c.ClientStatusID > 0
AND cpa.clientid = c.ClientID
JOIN dbo.Person per
ON per.PersonID = c.ClientID
AND per.StatusID > 0
--JOIN dbo.OwnershipRoleDiscipline ord
--ON ord.DisciplineID = c.DisciplineID
--AND ord.OwnershipRoleID = owr.OwnershipRoleID
--AND ord.SRAGeographyID = g2.GeographyID
July 22, 2015 at 1:02 am
You're going to have to learn how to add attachments so that you can add the query plans (good and bad).
When you are creating a post, look at the bottom right hand side of your screen for a button that says 'Edit Attachments' β once you find that, the rest should be easy π
The absence of evidence is not evidence of absence.
Martin Rees
You can lead a horse to water, but a pencil must be lead.
Stan Laurel
July 22, 2015 at 1:09 am
July 22, 2015 at 2:18 am
The original query appears to be "For each client, get all the products and all their colours". The other tables in the query could filter the output by geography but lets start as simple as possible. Retaining only those tables which are required for the output columns and joins thereof, you get this:
p2.Description AS Product,
FROM Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa -- 1
INNER JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa2 -- 2
ON cpa2.ClientID = cpa.clientid
AND cpa2.ProfileTypeID = 13
INNER JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpp2 -- 2
ON cpp2.ClientID = cpa.clientid
AND cpp2.ProfileTypeID = 14
INNER JOIN profile.ProfileValueColour ppc -- 2
ON ppc.Actual = cpa.ProfileValue
AND ppc.ProductID = cpa.ProductID
INNER JOIN profile.ProfileValueColour ppc2 -- 1
ON ppc2.ProductID = cpa2.ProductID
AND ppc2.Actual = cpa2.ProfileValue
AND ppc2.ProductID = cpp2.ProductID
AND ppc2.Potential = cpp2.ProfileValue
AND ppc2.OwnershipRoleID = 1
INNER JOIN dbo.product p2 -- 1
ON p2.ProductID = ppc2.ProductID
WHERE cpa.ProfileTypeID = 13
which looks to me to be hopelessly complicated for such a simple task. I'd recommend you revisit the ERD and confirm that what you've got is correct before adding further tables to the mix.
For fast, accurate and documented assistance in answering your questions, please read this article.
Understanding and using APPLY, (I) and (II) Paul White
Hidden RBAR: Triangular Joins / The "Numbers" or "Tally" Table: What it is and how it replaces a loop Jeff Moden
July 22, 2015 at 9:44 am
I would add that you are mixing join conditions with criteria. When joining tables, you almost always want to use only (implicit) foreign keys, because the joins should reflect how the tables are related. This makes it much easier for other people to understand your queries, because it separates out the relationships from the criteria. This is the whole reason that the old style joins were deprecated, but you've gone to the opposite extreme.
This can be relaxed for OUTER JOINS when you want a filter to be applied before the join, but you are only using INNER JOINs here.
There is no way that cpa.ProfileTypeID = 13
constitutes part of a foreign key.
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
July 22, 2015 at 11:34 am
Here is what would help, sample data for the tables that is representative of the problem domain and the expected results of the query based on the sample data.
July 22, 2015 at 4:30 pm
Hi Guys
thanks for the replies.
@Phil - found it. Fast and Slow query plans are now attached, hopefully someone smarter than me can discern something useful from them.
@jayanth - I will research query hints, it sounds promising. The OwnershipRoleDiscipline table had 3500 records and I have created all stats and indexes suggested by the index tuning wizard (as well as several more out of desperation)
@chrism-2 - Yes, it does look complicated and there may be a couple of unecessary joins, but it works fine without the addition of the OwnershipRoleDiscipline table. I should also point out that the actual query is a dynamic one, this query is the output of a section of it that after much pain I have narrowed down to be the problem.
@drew - Sorry, not sure I follow. I am using the inner joins as the filter. The full query is actually dynamic and this is the output of part of that.
@Lynne - Yes, it would, but I was hoping not to unless completely desperate as there are many tables here and some are very large. The performance issue may not be apparent for a sample 50 record table, but appear for the full 100000 record table, so I was hoping the (now attached) query plans would suffice.
Thanks again for the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.
July 22, 2015 at 5:31 pm
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
Hi Guysthanks for the replies.
@Phil - found it. Fast and Slow query plans are now attached, hopefully someone smarter than me can discern something useful from them.
@jayanth - I will research query hints, it sounds promising. The OwnershipRoleDiscipline table had 3500 records and I have created all stats and indexes suggested by the index tuning wizard (as well as several more out of desperation)
@chrism-2 - Yes, it does look complicated and there may be a couple of unecessary joins, but it works fine without the addition of the OwnershipRoleDiscipline table. I should also point out that the actual query is a dynamic one, this query is the output of a section of it that after much pain I have narrowed down to be the problem.
@drew - Sorry, not sure I follow. I am using the inner joins as the filter. The full query is actually dynamic and this is the output of part of that.
@Lynne - Yes, it would, but I was hoping not to unless completely desperate as there are many tables here and some are very large. The performance issue may not be apparent for a sample 50 record table, but appear for the full 100000 record table, so I was hoping the (now attached) query plans would suffice.
Thanks again for the feedback everyone, I really appreciate it.
I disagree on not having sample data and expected results. It would help with looking at your code and determining if there are alternative ways the query can be written that may provide a more robust and scalable than the your current code.
July 22, 2015 at 6:38 pm
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
Hi Guysthanks for the replies.
@drew - Sorry, not sure I follow. I am using the inner joins as the filter. The full query is actually dynamic and this is the output of part of that.
JOIN dbo.address a
ON a.geographybrickreferenceid = g3.referenceid
JOIN client c
ON c.primaryaddressid = a.addressid
AND a.addressstatusid > 0
AND c.clientstatusid > 0
AND cpa.clientid = c.clientid Why did you put addressstatusid and clientstatusid conditions in the ON clause? They supposed to be in WHERE:
JOIN dbo.address a
ON a.geographybrickreferenceid = g3.referenceid
JOIN client c
ON c.primaryaddressid = a.addressid
AND cpa.clientid = c.clientid
WHERE a.addressstatusid > 0
AND c.clientstatusid > 0
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
@ChrisM - Yes, it does look complicated and there may be a couple of unecessary joins, but it works fine without the addition of the OwnershipRoleDiscipline table. I should also point out that the actual query is a dynamic one, this query is the output of a section of it that after much pain I have narrowed down to be the problem.
Your OwnershipRoleDiscipline table is joined to 3 tables which is not very good handled by SQL Server. Because it decided to use this table to eliminate records on early stages, and simply makes a cardinality mistake. Even if you patch the query it may work for a while but then will break somewhere else. So I suggest you to rewrite the whole thing and eliminate unnecessary joins.
Also instead of INNER JOIN you can try to do a LEFT JOIN with dbo.OwnershipRoleDiscipline. See if it helps.
And sorry, but "my code is dynamic" is not an excuse for writing bad and not readable code.
July 22, 2015 at 7:01 pm
Hi Alex
thanks for the reply.
Are you saying SQL cannot handle 3 way joins? Are you also saying that a where clause is more efficient than a a join on clause?
Sorry but I have never had any issues with either of these things.
My inner join to OwnershipRoleDiscipline is required because that is how I am filtering the results, a left outer join defeats the purpose of the join.
How is my code bad or unreadable?
July 22, 2015 at 7:11 pm
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
Hi Alexthanks for the reply.
Are you saying SQL cannot handle 3 way joins? Are you also saying that a where clause is more efficient than a a join on clause?
Sorry but I have never had any issues with either of these things.
My inner join to OwnershipRoleDiscipline is required because that is how I am filtering the results, a left outer join defeats the purpose of the join.
How is my code bad or unreadable?
Provide us with sample data for the tables (some should meet the join/where criteria and some should not), expected results based on the sample data.
There may be a better way to write the query but without sample data and expected results we have no way to test any code we may write.
July 22, 2015 at 8:48 pm
Hi Guys
I have figured this out. My theory is that adding the extra table somehow screwed up SQL Servers execution plan so badly no amount of indexing etc was going to help, I just had to force it to reshuffle its execution plan ( I have actually seen this sort of thing before, but not to this degree). To to this I have utilised a temp table and then joined the problematic OwnershipRoleDiscipline table to the temp table. It is completely non-sensical, "bad" and "unreadable", but the query is down to under a second now.
Lynn - sorry, but the logistics of scripting out all those tables and proving sets of usable, non sensitive data was more than I had time for.
SELECT cpa.ClientID, p2.Description AS Product, ppc2.ProfileColour, c.DisciplineID, owr.OwnershipRoleID, g2.GeographyID INTO #tmp
FROM profile.ProfileValueColour ppc
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa
ON cpa.ProfileValue = ppc.Actual
AND cpa.ProfileTypeID = 13
AND ppc.ProductID = cpa.ProductID
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpp
ON cpp.ProductID = cpa.ProductId
AND cpp.ProfileValue = ppc.Potential
AND cpp.ProductID = ppc.ProductID
AND cpa.clientid = cpp.ClientID
AND cpp.ProfileTypeID = 14
JOIN dbo.Product p
ON p.ProductID = ppc.ProductID
join Profile.ProfileProductRule ppr
on ppc.ownershiproleid = ppr.ownershiproleid
and ppc.productid = ppr.productid
AND ppc.ForDisplay = 1
AND ppc.ownershiproleid = 1
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpa2
ON cpa.clientid = cpa2.ClientID
AND cpa2.ProfileTypeID = 13
JOIN Profile.ClientProductProfile cpp2
ON cpa2.clientid = cpp2.ClientID
AND cpp2.ProfileTypeID = 14
JOIN profile.ProfileValueColour ppc2
ON ppc2.ProductID = cpa2.ProductID
AND ppc2.ProductID = cpp2.ProductID
AND cpp2.ProfileValue = ppc2.Potential
AND cpa2.ProfileValue = ppc2.Actual
AND cpp2.ProductID = ppc2.ProductID
AND ppc2.OwnershipRoleID = 1
JOIN product p2
ON ppc2.ProductID = p2.ProductID
JOIN dbo.OwnershipPosition op
ON op.OwnershipRoleID = ppc.OwnershipRoleID
JOIN dbo.CompanyPosition cp
ON cp.CompanyPositionID = op.CompanyPositionID
AND op.OwnershipPositionID = 92
JOIN dbo.OwnershipRole owr
ON owr.OwnershipRoleID = op.OwnershipRoleID
JOIN dbo.Geography g1
ON g1.GeographyID = cp.GeographyID
AND g1.GeographyTypeID = 6
JOIN dbo.GeographyHierarchy gh1
ON g1.GeographyID = gh1.ParentGeographyID
AND gh1.GeographyHierarchyTypeID = owr.GeographyHierarchyTypeID
JOIN dbo.Geography g2
ON g2.GeographyID = gh1.ChildGeographyID
AND g2.GeographyTypeID = 7
JOIN dbo.GeographyHierarchy gh2
ON g2.GeographyID = gh2.ParentGeographyID
AND gh2.GeographyHierarchyTypeID = owr.GeographyHierarchyTypeID
JOIN dbo.Geography g3
ON g3.GeographyID = gh2.ChildGeographyID
AND g3.GeographyTypeID = 8
JOIN dbo.Address a
ON a.GeographyBrickReferenceID = g3.ReferenceID
JOIN client c
ON c.PrimaryAddressId = a.AddressID
AND a.AddressStatusID > 0
AND c.ClientStatusID > 0
AND cpa.clientid = c.ClientID
JOIN dbo.Person per
ON per.PersonID = c.ClientID
AND per.StatusID > 0
SELECT ClientID, Product, ProfileColour
FROM #tmp a
JOIN dbo.OwnershipRoleDiscipline ord
ON ord.DisciplineID = a.DisciplineID
AND ord.OwnershipRoleID = a.OwnershipRoleID
AND ord.SRAGeographyID = a.GeographyID
July 22, 2015 at 9:27 pm
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
Are you also saying that a where clause is more efficient than a a join on clause?
As far as SQL is concerned, ON clauses and WHERE clauses are equivalent for INNER JOINs. Humans, on the other hand, have problems when you jam everything into one place. The old style joins put everything in the WHERE clauses. You have gone the opposite extreme and placed everything in ON clauses. Both extremes are equally hard for humans to understand--and therefore update and maintain, because they obscure the difference between table relationships and criteria.
J. Drew Allen
Business Intelligence Analyst
Philadelphia, PA
July 22, 2015 at 10:46 pm
Hi Drew
I am a human and I disagree. I find it much easier to follow when the clauses are with the table joins.
To each their own...
July 22, 2015 at 11:34 pm
DavidDroog (7/22/2015)
Hi DrewI am a human and I disagree. I find it much easier to follow when the clauses are with the table joins.
To each their own...
Seriously? Look at your code again. How on earth did you put this condition for address table (a.addressstatusid > 0) after JOIN with the client table? What's the logic?
JOIN dbo.address a
ON a.geographybrickreferenceid = g3.referenceid
JOIN client c
ON c.primaryaddressid = a.addressid
AND a.addressstatusid > 0
AND c.clientstatusid > 0
AND cpa.clientid = c.clientid
You find it much easier to follow simply because you wrote this code. For sure it's easy for you, but you simply don't care if somebody else might have problems trying to read it.
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