Extended Stored Procedure Problems!!!

  • I have problems with the xp.

    When i execute the xp in sql server 7.0 with sp4.

    SqlServer use memory and not release this memory.

    by example when i use the xp_cmdshell,use in some

    cases 5 kb ,20kb,etc. And this memory not release

    by sql server 7.

    I make a extended stored procedure in

    visual c++.And Extended Stored Procedure is fine.

    I release all pointer and arrays.

    My problem is when i execute this xp in 5 times

    to consume 4kb(and i need execute 60000-90000 times by day).

    *I think what the problem is sql server(Memory Administration)(And not exists solution).

    *Other option is what my xp was defect with the pointers,but i dont think this,

    because i have more xp , and dont have this problem.

    *Other option is what the com objects has problems and not release the memory.

    Technical Details of Xp(Extended Stored Procedure)

    In this xp i use a connection to sqlserver (dsn ).

    i call a com object for make a function(find names in files) .

    In my destructor i release all pointers , and arrays.

    And i have other method , with the same code what

    the destructor,i execute this method in the ultimate line

    of my code.

    Some body help me with this problem!!

    Thnks for all.


    Henry Linux



  • I'd recheck your xp for leaks.


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