Expressions in SSIS - help needed with datetime

  • Hi,

    I have to convert the following to expressions in SSIS (derived column transformation).

    Please help.

    declare @date1 datetime,@date2 datetime

    set @date1='2009-07-18 15:46:56.050'

    if (datepart(dd,@date1) < 15 )
    select @date1
    select CAST(CAST(YEAR(@date1) AS VARCHAR(4)) + '-' + CAST(MONTH(dateadd(mm,1,@date1)) AS VARCHAR(2)) + '-01' AS DATETIME)

    Thanks in advance.

  • The input column is assumed to be a DB_DBTIMESTAMP.

    DATEPART("Day", MyDate ) < 15 ? MyDate : (DT_DBTIMESTAMP) ( (DT_STR,4,1252) DATEPART( "Year", MyDate ) + "-" + (DT_STR,2,1252) DATEPART( "Month", MyDate ) + "-01")

  • You need to use the IIF(<Logical Expression>, <True Part>, <False Part>).

    Also, I think that your false part can be greatly simplified by using the DateAdd() function. Try the following instead of all those CASTS. DateAdd(


    , 1

    , DateAdd("Day", 1-Day(@date1), @date1) -- First day of current month


    The problem is that there is no easy way to calculate the first day of the next month, but I think that this is clearer than using all of those casts.


    J. Drew Allen
    Business Intelligence Analyst
    Philadelphia, PA

  • Here's another option, similar to what Drew has suggested:

    DAY(date) < 15 ? DATEADD("Month",DATEDIFF("Month",(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)"1/1/1900",date),(DT_DBTIMESTAMP)"1/1/1900") : date

    This is based on the T-SQL date functions posted by Lynn Pettis on his blog. I had to change the 0's to "1/1/1900" as .NET won't let you use the 0 for a date like T-SQL will.

  • Thanks to all of you for the response.

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