Exporting to Excel Using a CLR Stored Procedure

  • sthompson-1139932 (12/2/2009)

    It looks promising, but when I implement it I just get some garbage characters in cell A1 and all the data stuffed into A2.

    hmmm not seen that one. Which version of Excel are you trying to open it with?

  • I'm using Excel 2000. At first I though I had screwed up the code by incorporating it into my own dll, but I got the same thing when adding an assembly for ExcelExport.dll and using that. Does it only work with newer versions of Excel? Thanks.

  • sthompson-1139932 (12/2/2009)

    I'm using Excel 2000. At first I though I had screwed up the code by incorporating it into my own dll, but I got the same thing when adding an assembly for ExcelExport.dll and using that. Does it only work with newer versions of Excel? Thanks.

    We have not tested it on earlier versions. You might be able to open it by going to MS and download the compatibility add-inns. Not sure on that though, they might not be available for 2000 anymore.

  • This could potentially be a massive time saver for me. Thanks so much for writing this article and sharing this code.

    Seth Phelabaum

    Consistency is only a virtue if you're not a screwup. 😉

    Links: How to Post Sample Data[/url] :: Running Totals[/url] :: Tally Table[/url] :: Cross Tabs/Pivots[/url] :: String Concatenation[/url]

  • Jonathan Kehayias (12/2/2009)

    My only problem with this is the TRUSTWORTHY ON part. There are so many other ramifications associated with that beyond just allowing your External_Access CLR procedure to execute. This opens up cross database permissions based on the level of rights of the database owner, and can be really problemattic when restoring the database since TRUSTWORTHY is set to OFF by default when you restore or attach a database since it is untrusted. Its to easy to use a certificate signed assembly and do it the right way. Aside from that good work, I like the concept, especially that you used the OpenOffice XML format instead of trying to interop it with UNSAFE assembly.



    I do agree that it does leave it open too much, should maybe have emphazied that a bit more in the write up. The solution to using a certificate was mentioned by someone above, and I will explore that option. For us the problem with restoring is not a problem for this particular case. Security risk was deemed ok since I have full control on what goes on that particular server.

  • Hi,

    Can the exported file be in the user local drive or it has to be in the MS SQL Server machine drive?



  • barbiduc (12/2/2009)


    The above setting of database could be really tricky for some DBAs. As a developer, when I handed this request to our DBA, he just linked me several links with reasons why he wont do that (security reasons). So I had to create a certificate and sign the dll with that, then build the project. Then created an asymmetric key from the dll, created a login from the asymmetric key, and granted EXTERNAL ACCESS ASSEMBLY to that login.

    CREATE ASYMMETRIC KEY ClrExternalAccessKey FROM EXECUTABLE FILE = '*path*' --replace this with your path (where u copied the assembly on the DB server)

    CREATE LOGIN ClrExternalAccessLogin FROM ASYMMETRIC KEY ClrExternalAccessKey


    This way, u'll keep ur DBAs happy 🙂

    THIS. The pretty bowtie to top off the present!

  • Marvelous on the key thingymajig.

    In addition I also have a separate Tools DB where I keep things like this, tally tables, regex CLRs etc.

    Mainly that means I have a single point of maintenance for the code of globally useful functions and procedures.

    Therefore, if I am in MyDB my execution would look like:

    DECLARE @params xml

    SET @params ='<params></params>'

    EXEC Tools.dbo.ExportToExcel 'MyDB.dbo.Test', 'd:\', 'monkey', @params

    It's a real shame that the @params cannot be defaulted in the proc.

    Change is inevitable... Except from a vending machine.[/font]

  • Great little bit of code but it still does not get me passed a very anoying problem..... which leads me to believe its my set up not the code thats the issue.


    Database has say 3 columns

    Account number (Int) value 0001

    Contact name (varchar(50)) Value 'Mr D Seal'

    Address (varchar (500)) Value '1 The High Street

    The Town Center

    The Village

    XX1 1YY'

    Notice the carrage returns in the address column

    when extracted to an excel sheet - For mailing - the 2 or 3 examples of how to export the date to excel

    Remove the carrage returns.

    Leaving me with 1 The High Street The Town Center The Village XX1 1YY' in the thrid column

    OK im doing something wrong, But what ?

    Please help

  • Derek.Seal (12/3/2009)

    Great little bit of code but it still does not get me passed a very anoying problem..... which leads me to believe its my set up not the code thats the issue.


    Database has say 3 columns

    Account number (Int) value 0001

    Contact name (varchar(50)) Value 'Mr D Seal'

    Address (varchar (500)) Value '1 The High Street

    The Town Center

    The Village

    XX1 1YY'

    Notice the carrage returns in the address column

    when extracted to an excel sheet - For mailing - the 2 or 3 examples of how to export the date to excel

    Remove the carrage returns.

    Leaving me with 1 The High Street The Town Center The Village XX1 1YY' in the thrid column

    OK im doing something wrong, But what ?

    Please help

    No, it's excel being a pain in the bum.

    I thought it might be a simple case of escaping the carriage returns in the xml.

    It's 0A that excel recognises as the carriage return rather than 0D or any combination of either.

    I tried this at the sql end but it then escaped the ampersand within the xml.

    I created a test table to look at this:



    DECLARE @test-2 TABLE(address nvarchar(500))

    INSERT @test-2

    SELECT 'aaaa


    cccc' UNION ALL

    SELECT '1111



    SELECT 'addr',replace(address,'

    ',' ') FROM @test-2

    This produced the xml:

    <Data ss:Type="String">1111 2222 3333</Data>

    When of course I would be looking for

    <Data ss:Type="String">1111 2222 3333</Data>

    Unfortunately Excel has the habit of then displaying these as unprintable characters (the wee square) until you actually start editing them. Never found a way around that.

    Edit: Hmmm.. You would have thought that an xml code wrapper would display pointy braces properly. Ho hum.

    Edit2: Double hmm it has un-escaped the bits that I did want in. namely the amp.

    Change is inevitable... Except from a vending machine.[/font]

  • Tim Wolf (12/1/2009)

    Where is the CLR source attachment?

    *bump* 🙂

  • This is absolutly amazing. There are some huge advantages to using CLR to export to excel. One of the issues you will run into whether using open row set or SSIS is that the connection is limited to the way which SQL is handled through the JET engine. For example, the table column names in excel are limited to 54 characters (approx) and the data inserted into an excel cell is limited to 255 characters.

    The CLR function handles the data insertion natively through the excel COM. This is amazing, the execution is a ligitimate 10X faster, there are formatting capabilities and there are no truncation issues up to 8000 characters on any of the columns. I really appreciate your posting this script here.


    Bradley Jacques

  • Yea, I installed the compatibility add on, but it had no effect. My spreadsheet opens fine in a trial version of Excel 2007, so it obviously has to do with the version. I noticed that if I open the document with 'Microsoft Open XML Converter' (I don't know where the heck I got that), it looks good in Excel 2000. It seems like that converts the source to the unreadable stuff instead of XML.

  • I know it is a bit of a trip down memory lane now, but Robyn Page and I wrote an article in 2007, SQL Server Excel Workbench[/url] (http://www.simple-talk.com/sql/t-sql-programming/sql-server-excel-workbench/) describing various non-CLR techniques for exporting from SQL Server to Excel.

    I like Anders' approach. I wish we'd thought of it!

    Best wishes,
    Phil Factor

  • Right, I've been doing some more investigation on the issue of carriage returns.

    I changed

    output = dr[dc].ToString().Trim();


    output = dr[dc].ToString().Trim().Replace(Environment.NewLine, "& #xA;");

    & # (space added here to avoid displaying as a CR in forum)

    Again I get the issue that it is (escaping/serialising? not sure which is correct for this instance) the ampersand so viewing the saved doc in a text editor it reads

    & amp;#xA; instead of & #xA; (spaces added after ampersand here again for display reasons)

    Change is inevitable... Except from a vending machine.[/font]

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