Exporting To Excel Issue - Most Urgent

  • Hi,

    I have a typical problem, I have a cell in a report which has to display content in two lines, which is not an issue, however the font of the content in the first line of cell should be different from the font in the second line of the same cell, which may sound little ridiculous but I need to support that, to accomplish the same , I introduced a table and inside which I placed two Text Boxes which hold data that was earlier displayed as two different lines and accomplished the job of displaying the two lines data in the same cell in different fonts, it looks perfect in the report, however when I try to export it to Microsoft Excel, it displays the following message instead of the data in the excel cells.

    "Data Regions within table/matrix cells are ignored"

    Any help in this regard would be highly appreciated.

    Thanks in Advance



    Prasad Bhogadi

  • Instead of using a table try using a Rectangle. place the two text boxes in Rectangle and place the rectangle in the Matrix Cell.

    Hope this solves the Problem.


  • Hi!

    I had the same problem, and i found a solution for the embedded data regions in EXCEL! Altough it is a limitation in RS :


    There is a solution! Have a look at the riport item "List" in design mode! It has almost the same functionality like teh "Table". You have to manually add headers over the "List" and manually place the textboxes hierarchical inside the list if you want to group fields, but it has a big advantage! Inside the "List" every embedded data regions (just like matrix, or subreport) are displayed correctly in EXCEL!

    IMPORTANT: if you place embedded data regions in a "List" you have to right click on the "List" and select properties. On the first tab of the property window click "edit details group" and you must specify grouping expressions here. For examle if there are "Parent" and "Child" rows inside a "List", a good grouping expression would be the Parent row ID.

    I hope this helps


  • Hi!

    I had the same problem, and i found a solution for the embedded data regions in EXCEL! Altough it is a limitation in RS :


    There is a solution! Have a look at the riport item "List" in design mode! It has almost the same functionality like teh "Table". You have to manually add headers over the "List" and manually place the textboxes hierarchical inside the list if you want to group fields, but it has a big advantage! Inside the "List" every embedded data regions (just like matrix, or subreport) are displayed correctly in EXCEL!

    IMPORTANT: if you place embedded data regions in a "List" you have to right click on the "List" and select properties. On the first tab of the property window click "edit details group" and you must specify grouping expressions here. For examle if there are "Parent" and "Child" rows inside a "List", a good grouping expression would be the Parent row ID.

    I hope this helps


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