Exporting to Excel

  • Hi.

    Does anyone know a way to export to Excel using multiple worksheets therein. I have one report that looks like it could go on for pages in Excel and would like to break it up into separate worksheets within the spreadsheet.

    Any ideas?

    Thanks in advance.


  • Hi David

    You can break your report by grouping. With grouping you can export single group in a single sheet. eg if you have 10 groups you will have ten sheets on excel workbook.


  • Hi Vandy.

    Thanks for the reply, but I'm still really new to all of this so am not sure what you mean.. group, how?



  • David,

    I think all you need are page breaks in your report.  If you set up a group (right mouse click on the Detail row header and Insert Group), select what field you want to divide your report up by as your Group On field, and then check either the Page Break at End or Page Break At Start boxes.  Now, when you export to Excel, your report should be broken up into separate tabs based on your grouped field. 

    For example, if you pick CustomerName as your Group On field, at each new CustomerName, you will get a new page/tab.  Unfortunately, there's no way to name the tabs in Excel, so you'll just get Sheet1, Sheet2, etc.  But, at least it's divided the way you want.


  • Thanks Wendy - that makes sense too.

    I've also found another way - although it's cheating and is bit dirty too:

    In the layout tab, between the items you would like to seperate by pagination, add a thin rectangle box and click on it's properties and select to add pagination either before or after it.

    This is pretty useful to me as the larger report I mentioned is actually a report that contains a lot of subreports, which I want on different sheets - and so by ordering them on the page correctly and doing the above cheat, it works perfectly!

    I do wish they would start thinking about these things and make it easier when they develop RS though!

    Thanks again for your help all.


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