Exporting SysProperties Data from 1 DB to Another

  • I have used EM to export the data from sysproperties into another sysproperties in a different database. When I run the following query in the original database, I get back the expected value. However, when I run it in the new database, I get back nothing. When I query the sysproperties table in the new database, I can see the data and EM did not indicate any errors on the import.

    What I'm trying to avoid is rewritting the individual insert statements via sp_addextendedproperty.

    SELECT value as DescName FROM ::fn_listextendedproperty ('Ms_description', 'user','dbo','table', 'tbluserlogins', 'column', 'password')

    Any sugggestions would be appreciated.



  • Perhaps the data in the new database does not "Join" properly. The id's can be different between databases.

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