Exporting from Single table to mutliple tables with relations

  • Hi I'm new to SSIS and in a learning stage. I want to redesign one of my ETL using SSIS which is created in Delphi. I have a single data source table, which needs to be exported to 6 different tables (5 dimensions and 1 fact), based on the columns. All the tables have relations and it follows star schema. Each record from the source table has multiple information like 'user', 'location', 'vehicle' etc. We need to extract each separate (dimension table) informations (ex - user) to corresponding tables(ex - 'user table'). If the user exists (using id), retrieve the userkey to update the detail table (fact). Like wise each dimension table has to be populated and get the keys and then insert in the final fact table. Please let me know what approach i have to use and which all components can make this task easier. Thanks in advance..

  • You need to use the Conditional Split in a Data Flow Task.

    Use the Lookup to determine if a record already exists.

  • Basically I need to do the insert/update on the tables on the specific order. Can i do that using conditional split?

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