January 2, 2020 at 12:00 am
Comments posted to this topic are about the item Exporting Data with PowerShell
January 2, 2020 at 3:46 pm
This is a great introduction to exporting files with PoSh, Steve. I gave it a 5. That and the mention of how to do it with DBATools is great. I also appreciate the note that PoSh can suffer from slower performance than some of the other methods.
One of the things I'd really like to see is how to do this from a stored procedure that has been scheduled as a job in SQL Server. I know how I've done it in the past (xp_CmdShell) but a lot of people poo-poo that idea even if they do poo-poo it because of bad information and resulting visceral fear of using xp_CmdShell. Can PoSh be dynamically executed via a job that can have variable file names as targets?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 2, 2020 at 4:28 pm
ARGHHHH.. Sorry Jeff - hit report button by mistake.
your question - can powershell use variables - not exactly like you do it on a storedproc - but you can query the database to retrieve the required variable values using a standard recordset and use the values as input to the remaining functions.
I do this a lot on my jobs and will give an example shortly
January 2, 2020 at 4:33 pm
I know how I've done it in the past (xp_CmdShell) but a lot of people poo-poo that idea even if they do poo-poo it because of bad information and resulting visceral fear of using xp_CmdShell. Can PoSh be dynamically executed via a job that can have variable file names as targets?
Well powershell has a lot of powerful tools to interrogate a file system and create file names if you want to put all the filename logic in powershell. Unfortunately while powershell does accept parameters easily without using cmdshell there's not a great way to actually call a parameterized script.
January 2, 2020 at 4:43 pm
sample powershell script that I use to copy/move files from a drop folder to dev/tst/prod destinations - dev/tst are "copy" while prod is "move"
some of the functions called are in house so you won't find reference to them on the net - if anyone wishes to have this fully functional I can supply them - no classified or copyright dependencies on them.
script does the following
connects to our etl db and retrieves the list of active files and their location with other details required for the processing
for each record retrieved lists the possible files on its location and checks to see if it has already been processed (through another SQL call to the database) and if not it copies/moves the file to its desired processing location
# CopyAndMoveFiles.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$connectionstring,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$servername,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$dbname,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$logserver
#$connectionstring = "Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=dbname;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=120;Packet Size=32768"
#$servername = "servername"
#$logserver = "servername"
#$dbname = "dbname"
$scriptPath = $(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$logpath = ("\\$logserver\DataInput\ExecutionLogs")
# Import Generic Powershell utilities module
Import-Module (Join-Path $scriptPath "PowershellUtilities.psm1")
$rundate = Get-Date
$global:logfilename =(Join-Path $logpath ("$($logserver)_CopyAndMoveFiles_{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.log" -f $rundate))
Set-Log -logFileFullName "$logfilename"
$Record = @{
"SourceSystem" = ""
"SourcePath" = ""
"DestinationPath" = ""
"Operation" = ""
"FileType" = ""
"Pattern" = ""
"IsMultiPath" = ""
$sqlprovider = Get-SqlProvider
if ($sqlprovider -eq "")
Write-Log "SQL Provider not available"
exit 3
$reply = $null
$a=ping -n 10 $servername
$a|ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match 'reply \s*(.*)$')
$reply += $matches[1]
if ($reply)
$online = $true
$valid = $false
if ($online)
$connectionString = "Data Source=$servername;Initial Catalog=$dbname;Provider=$sqlprovider;PacketSize=32767;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
Write-Log "Connecting to: $connectionString"
$Pathresults = (Invoke-OleDbCmd -ConnectionString $connectionString -Query "select SourceSystem, SourcePath, DestinationPath, Operation, FileType,Pattern,IsMultiPath from Config.PathFiles where IsActive = 1")
if ($Pathresults)
foreach($result in $Pathresults)
$Record."SourceSystem" = $result.SourceSystem
$Record."SourcePath" = $result.SourcePath
$Record."DestinationPath" = $result.DestinationPath
$Record."Operation" = $result.Operation
$Record."FileType" = $result.FileType
$Record."Pattern" = $result.Pattern
$Record."IsMultiPath" = $result.IsMultiPath
$valid = $true
$filetype = @(($Record."FileType").split(",").Trim())
$sourcePath = $Record."SourcePath"
$ChildItems = gci $sourcePath\* -Include $filetype
$mask = $Record."Pattern"
$SoureSystemFolder = split-path $sourcePath -leaf
$NameOfFile = $ChildItems.name
$MultiPath = $Record."IsMultiPath"
Write-Log "********Start processing folder: $($Record."SourcePath")"
If ($ChildItems.Length -gt 0){
$ChildItems | ForEach {
$ModifiedDestination = "$(Join-Path $Record.DestinationPath $_.Name)"
$FileName = Split-Path $ModifiedDestination -leaf
Write-Log "Start processing file: $FileName"
If ((Test-Path $ModifiedDestination) -eq $False) {
$RegisterCount = (Invoke-OleDbCmd -ConnectionString $connectionString -Query "select count(1)
from Logging.ProcessRegister r
inner join Config.SourceSystem s
on r.ConfigurationID = s.ID
where (case
when s.IsDateInFileName = 0
then replace(SourceTable, reverse(substring(reverse(SourceTable), charindex('.', reverse(SourceTable)) + 1, 20)), '')
else SourceTable
end) = '$($FileName)'
and ProcessStatus = 'Success'")
If($RegisterCount.Item(0) -eq 0 -and $MultiPath -eq "1")
if($_.name -match $mask){
& $Record."Operation" -Path $_.FullName -include $filetype -Destination "$($Record.DestinationPath)"
Write-Log "File $FileName was successfully copied >$($Record."Operation")< from folder $($Record."SourcePath") to folder $($Record."DestinationPath")."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
elseif($_.name -notmatch $mask){
Write-Log "file: is unknown $_.name"
elseif($RegisterCount.Item(0) -eq 0 -and $MultiPath -eq "0")
& $Record."Operation" -Path $_.FullName -include $filetype -Destination "$($Record.DestinationPath)"
Write-Log "File $FileName was successfully copied >$($Record."Operation")< from folder $($Record."SourcePath") to folder $($Record."DestinationPath")."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
else {
Write-Log "File $FileName was previously loaded."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
Write-Log "File $FileName already exists in the folder."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
else {Write-Log "### No Files to Process ###."}
Write-Log "********End processing folder: $($Record."SourcePath")"
$msg = $_.Exception.Message
$Record."Message" = $msg.Replace("r"," ").Replace("
n"," ")
Write-Log $_ -Level Error
throw $_
Write-Log "Finishing moving files"
January 2, 2020 at 5:39 pm
Seems like there should be a switch for Get-DbaDBTable for scripting the creation of the target table instead of just the insert statements.
January 2, 2020 at 5:58 pm
Feel free to add that. dbatools is an open project.
January 2, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Feel free to add that. dbatools is an open project.
Heh... or just do it in T-SQL. 😀
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 2, 2020 at 6:00 pm
Seems like there should be a switch for Get-DbaDBTable for scripting the creation of the target table instead of just the insert statements.
I assume you meant export-DbaDbTableData
could be done - and can be proposed to the team.
but I think you can do it with a combination of other dbatools scripts
get-DbaDbTable ... |Export-DbaScript ... onto file
followed by get-DbaDBTable ...|Export-DbaDbTableData ... append onto same file as the first block
in both cases batch separator needs to be specified and needs to be the same in both
January 17, 2020 at 2:19 pm
Hi, Steve. Thanks for article.
But first variant with pure Export-Csv approach is useless due to quoting all values for all fields (for powershell 7 you has QuoteFields parameter but you need explicitly point fields to quote in output https://github.com/PowerShell/PowerShell/pull/9132). You can not import resulting csv file anywhere (for example PostgreSQL database) without to many quoting removing for numeric fields. Also bit data type exported like False and True (not 0 and 1). For solve this limitations I added some workload, see my github script: https://github.com/ktaranov/sqlserver-kit/blob/master/PowerShell/Export_Query_To_Csv.ps1
January 17, 2020 at 11:18 pm
Teaching a man to fish...
sample powershell script that I use to copy/move files from a drop folder to dev/tst/prod destinations - dev/tst are "copy" while prod is "move"
some of the functions called are in house so you won't find reference to them on the net - if anyone wishes to have this fully functional I can supply them - no classified or copyright dependencies on them.
script does the following
connects to our etl db and retrieves the list of active files and their location with other details required for the processing
for each record retrieved lists the possible files on its location and checks to see if it has already been processed (through another SQL call to the database) and if not it copies/moves the file to its desired processing location
# CopyAndMoveFiles.ps1
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$connectionstring,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$servername,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$dbname,
[Parameter(Mandatory=$true, Position=0)][string]$logserver
#$connectionstring = "Data Source=servername;Initial Catalog=dbname;Provider=SQLNCLI10.1;Integrated Security=True;Connect Timeout=120;Packet Size=32768"
#$servername = "servername"
#$logserver = "servername"
#$dbname = "dbname"
$scriptPath = $(Split-Path -Parent $MyInvocation.MyCommand.Path)
$logpath = ("\\$logserver\DataInput\ExecutionLogs")
# Import Generic Powershell utilities module
Import-Module (Join-Path $scriptPath "PowershellUtilities.psm1")
$rundate = Get-Date
$global:logfilename =(Join-Path $logpath ("$($logserver)_CopyAndMoveFiles_{0:yyyyMMddHHmmss}.log" -f $rundate))
Set-Log -logFileFullName "$logfilename"
$Record = @{
"SourceSystem" = ""
"SourcePath" = ""
"DestinationPath" = ""
"Operation" = ""
"FileType" = ""
"Pattern" = ""
"IsMultiPath" = ""
$sqlprovider = Get-SqlProvider
if ($sqlprovider -eq "")
Write-Log "SQL Provider not available"
exit 3
$reply = $null
$a=ping -n 10 $servername
$a|ForEach-Object {
if ($_ -match 'reply \s*(.*)$')
$reply += $matches[1]
if ($reply)
$online = $true
$valid = $false
if ($online)
$connectionString = "Data Source=$servername;Initial Catalog=$dbname;Provider=$sqlprovider;PacketSize=32767;Integrated Security=SSPI;Auto Translate=False;"
Write-Log "Connecting to: $connectionString"
$Pathresults = (Invoke-OleDbCmd -ConnectionString $connectionString -Query "select SourceSystem, SourcePath, DestinationPath, Operation, FileType,Pattern,IsMultiPath from Config.PathFiles where IsActive = 1")
if ($Pathresults)
foreach($result in $Pathresults)
$Record."SourceSystem" = $result.SourceSystem
$Record."SourcePath" = $result.SourcePath
$Record."DestinationPath" = $result.DestinationPath
$Record."Operation" = $result.Operation
$Record."FileType" = $result.FileType
$Record."Pattern" = $result.Pattern
$Record."IsMultiPath" = $result.IsMultiPath
$valid = $true
$filetype = @(($Record."FileType").split(",").Trim())
$sourcePath = $Record."SourcePath"
$ChildItems = gci $sourcePath\* -Include $filetype
$mask = $Record."Pattern"
$SoureSystemFolder = split-path $sourcePath -leaf
$NameOfFile = $ChildItems.name
$MultiPath = $Record."IsMultiPath"
Write-Log "********Start processing folder: $($Record."SourcePath")"
If ($ChildItems.Length -gt 0){
$ChildItems | ForEach {
$ModifiedDestination = "$(Join-Path $Record.DestinationPath $_.Name)"
$FileName = Split-Path $ModifiedDestination -leaf
Write-Log "Start processing file: $FileName"
If ((Test-Path $ModifiedDestination) -eq $False) {
$RegisterCount = (Invoke-OleDbCmd -ConnectionString $connectionString -Query "select count(1)
from Logging.ProcessRegister r
inner join Config.SourceSystem s
on r.ConfigurationID = s.ID
where (case
when s.IsDateInFileName = 0
then replace(SourceTable, reverse(substring(reverse(SourceTable), charindex('.', reverse(SourceTable)) + 1, 20)), '')
else SourceTable
end) = '$($FileName)'
and ProcessStatus = 'Success'")
If($RegisterCount.Item(0) -eq 0 -and $MultiPath -eq "1")
if($_.name -match $mask){
& $Record."Operation" -Path $_.FullName -include $filetype -Destination "$($Record.DestinationPath)"
Write-Log "File $FileName was successfully copied >$($Record."Operation")< from folder $($Record."SourcePath") to folder $($Record."DestinationPath")."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
elseif($_.name -notmatch $mask){
Write-Log "file: is unknown $_.name"
elseif($RegisterCount.Item(0) -eq 0 -and $MultiPath -eq "0")
& $Record."Operation" -Path $_.FullName -include $filetype -Destination "$($Record.DestinationPath)"
Write-Log "File $FileName was successfully copied >$($Record."Operation")< from folder $($Record."SourcePath") to folder $($Record."DestinationPath")."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
else {
Write-Log "File $FileName was previously loaded."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
Write-Log "File $FileName already exists in the folder."
Write-Log "End processing file: $FileName"
else {Write-Log "### No Files to Process ###."}
Write-Log "********End processing folder: $($Record."SourcePath")"
$msg = $_.Exception.Message
$Record."Message" = $msg.Replace("r"," ").Replace("n"," ")
Write-Log $_ -Level Error
throw $_
Write-Log "Finishing moving files"
That's pretty cool, Frederico. Thanks for taking the time to post that.
If don't mind, I have one more question... what do you use to schedule it to run?
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
January 17, 2020 at 11:39 pm
Teaching a man to fish...That's pretty cool, Frederico. Thanks for taking the time to post that.
If don't mind, I have one more question... what do you use to schedule it to run?
SQL Server Agent - on this case we run this on a weekly basis so its enough to run it once.
We could also have it as a service or under a filewatcher but no need - script is part of a wider ETL set of scripts
whole ETL for this particular datawarehouse is comprised of
January 18, 2020 at 9:23 pm
Thanks, Frederico. I appreciate it.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
November 10, 2020 at 9:23 pm
Exactly what I needed for a DR query results export process I'm working on.
Thank you for this!
November 10, 2020 at 9:34 pm
Exactly what I needed for a DR query results export process I'm working on.
Thank you for this!
If you moving data between SQL Servers, the "native" mode of BCP will be much faster than the PowerShell method.
--Jeff Moden
Change is inevitable... Change for the better is not.
Viewing 15 posts - 1 through 14 (of 14 total)
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