Export wizard from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 9i

  • Hi,

    I feel silly posting this but I am having problems with exporting a SQL Server 2005 table to Oracle. If I use the import wizard to import a table from the same Oracle db, I have no problems so I know my TNS name is all set and connection looks good. But when I try to export a table for SQL Server 2005 to the same Oracle db I get a

    Query failed with the following error: "ORA-00906: missing left parenthesis". Possible failure reasons: Problems with the quesry, "ResultSet" property not set correcly, parameters not set correctly or connection not established correctly."

    Anybody else have this occur or have a good idea. I'd really be most appreciative. Thanks!


  • I figured this out myself. So I'll post the solution in case anyone else has this difficulty. Basically, don't use the Microsoft OLE DB Provider for Oracle if you are exporting TO Oracle. It will work fine importing into SQL Server 2005. (Why Microsoft, why?! :P)

    I used the Oracle Provider for OLE DB for the export and all is well in the world.

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