Export to excel Formatting Problem

  • Good morning all,

    I have some problems when i export my report to excel, the values are converted to text. I have several reports that i explicitly cast the values to CInt or Cdec and this works fine. But now i have a problem with some reports and they occur with the following kind of expression:


    “=IIF((sum(Fields!Something.Value)+ sum(Fields!SomethingElse.Value)) = 0 , “-”,(sum(Fields!Something.Value)+sum(Fields!SomethingElse.Value)) )”

    The value is constantly converted to Text. The following options don’t work:

    - converting the last part to the CInt()

    - Giving the format of the textbox C0 or N0

    When i replace the “-” with “0″ it works fine but i really need the “-” to be placed in the textbox.

    So if anyone have an idea please let me know

    Thanks in advance

  • How about trying a formating for that particular field

    In the properties for that field, in the formatting tab try using this as:


    the last dash represents the zero , and when I export the data to excel this remains a zero, but is masked with the -

  • If you are able to format the Excel document before hand that would be an advantage, but if this does not work or you are not able to then try this:

    One of our developers had a work-around, not pretty but it worked, he placed a ' (single text quote) in front of the value being placed into the cell.

    This ensured that the value being placed into the cell forced the field to be a text field - you do not see the ' on the sheet - but it is actually there.

    This may work for you after you have tried all other options

    Let us know



  • Hey all,

    The solution to the problem is:

    In the properties for that field, in the formatting tab use the following format: ##0;-##0;-

    Besides that you also need to explicitly cast the data to an CInt like:

    = CInt (


    SUM(something) + SUM(Somethingelse) IS NOTHING,


    SUM(something) + SUM(Somethingelse)



    Thanks for the replys on the answer and providing the part of the solution.

    Greetings Niels

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