export to csv using t-sql

  • I would like to export some SQL Server table data  into a csv file.

    I found an article about using the xp_execresultset in conjunction with bcp. It also states that this is an undocumented extended procedure and it's not advisable to use it in a production environment.

    Does anyone know of any other way to do this without having to use cursors?

    Thanks in Advance




  • You can do this with the data export wizard in enterprise manager!

    **ASCII stupid question, get a stupid ANSI !!!**

  • Thanks for you reply, but I want to be able to do it using a stored procedure so that it can be called from cold fusion.




  • Debbie,

    Here is a TSQL code snippet which might help;

    DECLARE @bcpResult INT

    DECLARE @bcpCommand


     SET @bcpCommand = 'bcp select * from Accounts queryout c:\temp\test.csv -U username -P password -c'


     -- Export to CSV 

     EXEC @bcpResult = master..xp_cmdshell @bcpCommand    

     IF (@bcpResult = 0) 


      -- Do Cleanup here


    In my stored proc I just replace the select statement in the bcp command with a variable and build up a dynamic sql statement to select the data I need to export.



  • I used something similar to the above code, but you may want to select the data into a table first so you could validate your result set.

  • I use xp_sendmail - here's an example that's TAB-delimited.

    DECLARE @tab    VARCHAR(10)

    SET @tab = CHAR(9)

    EXECUTE master.dbo.xp_sendmail

     @recipients = 'me'

     @subject = 'here is your data',

     @width = 1024,

     @attach_results = 'TRUE',

     @attachments = 'vr_dups.csv',

     @separator = @tab,

     @query = 'select * from pubs.dbo.authors'


  • If you can call DTS package from coldfusion (We can do it with ASP) create a DTS Package and Execute the package.


  • Thankyou to all who replied to my post.

    Have tested the bcp option and works like a charm

    Thanks again




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